She allowed her smile to come back, she was going to ravage his body tonight. But first, she had to make sure absolutely no one was going to be around the house like they were for the past month.

She walked over to Damon and Fionn, "I need to have a chat with you two."

"Are we in trouble?" Fionn asked, looking at her warily.

"No, I need you to clear out this house tonight. No one inside. Got it?" she demanded.

"What? Why?" Damon asked, a look of confusion on his face.

Fionn's eyes turned mischievous, "Oh, you have that doctor's appointment today."

"Why does that matter?" Damon asked. She shrugged, trying to act like she didn't know.

"Well Damon, when two people love each other-" Fionn began, but she slapped his chest stopping him.

"I'm done asking questions," Damon said, faking a gag.

She rolled her eyes, "Just do what I said. You want a day off?"

They both nodded without hesitation. Leo had been crazier than ever on training and safety, which was fine, but it meant that there was no more slacking off. Which also meant that no one had a day off from training or the meetings for the whole month. Everyone wanted a break, and Aria knew that Leo needed one too, though he refused to admit it.

"Then make sure no one is here tonight, and I can guarantee everyone will have a day off tomorrow," she told them. Fionn nodded while Damon looked conflicted.

"This feels wrong, but I really need a break," Damon shook his head.

She smiled, she felt like she was doing charity work for everyone.

Leo came back out in no time, his hair still slightly wet and messy from his shower. "You ready, baby?" he asked.

She grinned, nodding her head. She shot one more look at Damon and Fionn before walking with Leo. They got into the car and Aria was confused when he opened the passenger door for her. "You're driving?" she asked.

He nodded, "If something happens, I trust my driving more than anyone else's. Better safe than sorry."

He quickly jogged over to the driver's side, jumping in. The car roared to life, and the two were on the way to the hospital. Leo grabbed Aria's hand, holding it tight in his. He did this drive before, and every second was agonizing to him. He used Aria to anchor him back down to reality. She was fine, she was sitting next to him, everything was okay.

"A lot of black SUVs surrounding this black sports car doesn't look suspicious at all," Aria said sarcastically.

"You're right, maybe we should just go home and reschedule this appointment for next month," he told her, enjoying the way her eyes narrowed at him.

"You wish, lover boy. We're going to this appointment, and then, I will ravage that beautiful body of yours," she told him.

"Those are some very bold words, sweetheart," he grinned. "Don't get your hopes up in case the doctor says you can't do anything."

"Yeah well if she cockblocks me, she'll face a fucking army," she huffed, crossing her arms. "Knowing her crush on you, she'll probably say I can't out of spite."

"I'll just fuck you on her desk then, remind her I belong to you," he grinned, thinking a little too long about how good being buried inside of Aria would feel right now. God, he was getting sick of his hand.

"Could you imagine?" she asked, her voice a little bit too breathless. Oh, she could imagine it for sure, she couldn't get the image out of her head. She could practically feel herself becoming hotter at that thought alone.

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