Measure 84: Last Call

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Anzu fell to her knees as soon as her friends turned to stone.

Or should I say, as soon as SHE turned them to stone.

She stood at the edge of the cliff, Neptune was by her side and some of the villagers were standing a few ways behind them.

But right now she could care less what anyone thought of her. She cried, she cried very loudly. This whole time she was completely drunk on insanity which drove her to be so mean towards her friends. When all she really, truly wanted was to be with them again.

But petrifying them in the ship would save them all, it would cure everyone. Those that got hurt because of her, everyone who had been infected by Meresa, and her daughter.

Just a second ago she was engaged and had a 'daughter' but now she had neither. She was empty handed. It was the price she had to pay for the pain she caused them.

So she sat there, with heavy drops of liquid heartbreak running past her eyelashes, down her cheeks and finally landing on the ground below her.

The ghost ship floated on the ocean thanks to the anchor Ryusui released.

Anzu stood up and spoke in a raspy voice from yelling so much, "Neptune I want to go with them."

Neptune nodded and linked their arms. The crowd followed them, they walked down the hill, past the trees, and onto the dock. Only Neptune and Anzu got on a small rowing boat, Neptune took her all the way to the Perseus and they boarded the ship.

Anzu walked around the deck, she hugged every statue, every friend, then she got to Senku's

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Anzu walked around the deck, she hugged every statue, every friend, then she got to Senku's. She looked at Neptune for a bit of privacy, "I'll wait on the boat Miss."

Anzu fidgeted with her hands and chuckled, "Haa I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my plan. I had to make sure you and everyone else got on the boat so you could be saved immediately. Truth is Senku, I'm positive right now you hate me. Guess you could say I'm ten billion percent sure hah."

She laughed sadly, and waited as if he was going to answer her, but of course he didn't utter a word. "...I've done so much. I've hurt everyone here, I've hurt you, I've killed a man, you only just saved me from killing the other. I'm greateful you think I'm perfect but, I am— a-a monster."

At the last word her voice faltered, she hugged him gently and cried on his stone chest. "I'm so sorry Senku, I'm sorry...I love you— so much, I'm sorry I should've told you sooner..."

She gently planted a small kiss on his solid forehead and smiled sadly. "But you'll be okay now, so take care of my daughter for me yeah?"

In about half an hour, she and Neptune set up everyone to depetrify them. First she cleaned every inch of this ship and then set up frail glass bottles with revival fluid to depetrify them.

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