Measure 63: The Scientist, The Preacher, And The Plane

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In a land far, far away from Japan, stood an almost deserted island. A year after Senku woke up in Japan, another scientist also woke up in the island of Ni'ihau, Hawaii.

This island was closed off to the public in modern times; the scientist and two more were allowed to enter the island for research purposes, of course that never happened because of the petrification wave.

Similarly, the scientist woke up near a cave. He analyzed his surroundings...and cried. He felt alone in the entire planet. But after a few minutes of weeping he gathered up his courage and got to work. He analyzed the substance that awoke him, and was able to recreate it. He first woke up his wife, and his best friend: a preacher. Both had accompanied him to the deserted island, then his wife informed him that their daughter had come along unnoticed. She didn't tell her husband because the girl wanted to surprise him but the world had different plans.

The scientist woke her up, & after scolding her for coming to their dangerous mission, the family rejoiced for being together once again.

And so they continued to develop a quiet, peaceful life, and within the first six months, the scientist also revived the native tribe to Ni'ihau. As a thanks, the natives did not harm them and in fact cooperated with them. Slowly but surely, the two groups built a small civilization, a small, small town.

But the preacher always had different ideas on this science development, the preacher wanted to rule over Ni'ihau and spread his teachings as any good preacher would. And so, he killed the scientist and his wife, then proceeded to tell everyone it was a deadly disease that had finished him. And so he took over the town.

The natives being clueless, believed him, but the daughter felt quite skeptical. She was barely 4 years old, so she didn't have a choice but to move on with the preacher and the natives.

But before the scientist was killed, he built a small plane. Having been extremely interested in piloting back in his younger years, he built it for recreational purposes originally. But every six months, the preacher ordered two natives to fly in it and gather things around the world. For what reason? Like any good preacher, he wanted to spread his own beliefs to other people. And if there were any other people in other islands, he wanted to rule over them as well.

Eventually that job was passed down to the blue haired boy and the green haired boy that had captured Anzu. They traveled to look for 'a cure' to the deadly disease.

A lie the preacher told: there was a deadly disease circling in the town. Soon became true. The preacher nicknamed it Meresa because the disease was similar to MRSA in modern times, a bacterial infection resistant to many antibiotics. The skin condition caused blisters and pus-filled abscesses, redness, swollen skin, and was painful to the touch. Once it was more advanced you would feel frequent confusion, fever, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, and chills. Then death would come knocking on your door.

Though it was deadly, it progressed slowly at first, but once you felt the advanced symptoms it would mean endgame since there was no one around to cure these people and the preacher killed the last person that could have done it.

And so, one day the blue and green haired boy found the cure they were looking for: Doi Anzu. The two boys took her to their plane and flew away without any complications.

Now 20 hours after the kidnapping, they were only 3-4 hours away from reaching Ni'ihau. Right around this time, Anzu woke up from unconsciousness.

She found herself tied up and with a gag in her mouth, her head was covered in blood from before.

"Oh she's awake!" Exclaimed the blue haired boy, "Should I untie her?"

"No. Okay just the one around her mouth." Replied the green haired boy.

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