Measure 30: Brrr!

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"As I calculated, I didn't die." I stretched my body a bit. Right after I let go of Magma's grip, him and Senku fell down the hole with me.

It was going to happen either way. And Magma was saying this huge heartfelt speech I just saved myself a few boring seconds.

"Maybe you shouldn't experiment with that you idiot!"

"Yeah yeah, anyways. We can't climb out, the walls are not sturdy."

"Yeah theres a ten billion percent chance these walls will cave us in."

"Hmmmm..." Senku and I analyzed the scene and wandered around to see what we had to work with.

"Dammit stop moving! You're like two flies circling the same piece of shit!" -Magma

"Woah! Language! Also according to that metaphor, you would be the shit in this case cause we're circling around you hehe. No need to get so salty."

"We're just measuring stuff, calm down."

"You said it yourself, we ain't getting out of this hole." -Magma

"Got a better idea buddy?"

"It's better than waiting around for death to come."

"And tip down the volume dude, if you speak too loud all of this rubble will come crashing down on us."

"Fucking magic twigs..." -Magma

I saw a small sprinkle land on my glasses. I looked up and saw Chrome pouring water down directly on Magma's head.



"Don't encourage him kid."

"...I'm thinking if I keep pouring water from the pond over there. You'll be able to swim back out eventually." -Chrome

Ooooh shoot! I. Can't. Swim...
But now is definitely not the time to announce that lil fun fact.

"That's never going to work if you pour it that slowly!" -Magma

"I mean, slow and steady wins the race right?!" -Chrome

"If we were tortoises and rabbits maybe."

"No no he's got a point. We don't have time to mess around. Science will determine if this works or not. If we connect the gas mask tubes then it'll give us a good meter of drop height from the surface. If the inner diameter is two centimeters then by Torricelli's Law...Anzu, your brain!"

"Right! Lay them out teach! I got 0.01 squared times π times the square root of two times nine point eight times one is rounded to 0.0139 cubic meters per second."

"0.0139. The volume of the hole, base is two square meters and the height is seven meters—

"Twenty eight cubic meters. Then the time to fill the whole with water is 20,131 .68 seconds-"

"So 5.59 hours. Earlier the temperature was lukewarm so we may just avoid hypothermia." He smiled that devilish smile of his when he gets a good idea.

"Chrome I'm going to tell you how to craft something okay?!"

"Alright, I got it!" -Chrome

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