Measure 51: Full Deck Of Cards

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Senku was just explaining where the final battle would be, after showing off his Steam Gorilla to Chrome of course.

I didn't hear the rest because he said Yuzuriha was on a secret mission. Yuzuriha is the crafts girl so the only thing I can think of is that she's sewing like a huge vessel, or parachute, for a hot air balloon. Or a boat, I don't know.

Gen and Chrome were discussing something else so I took the opportunity that everyone was distracted and pulled Senku off to the side a little.

"Hey can you tell me what's Yuzuriha's secret mission? Is she making like a huge vessel for a boat or- or a hot air balloon? Is she okay?"

"Heh, of course she is. She's piecing back together Tsukasa's kills."

My eyes opened wide, I blinked a few times in disbelief and whispered, "What?"

"She's fixing the broken statues."

"No no I heard you the first time but what? How? How would she even do that?"

"With her crafting skills, it's just like fixing a puzzle. So that way—"

"—No one dies...No one dies?! Really?! I thought that was just a bluff."

"Nope not at all, I said this would be a bloodless siege didn't I? Or did you actually want to kill someone??"

"No. No. It's just, on my way to Tsukasaland, I saw my father's- head. I saw his head but not his body. So if she's piecing back together statues, you think we can get back my dad?"

"Hmm if we can find his body and head in one piece, yeah that's possible."

"And if we can't?"

He stayed in thought for a little, clicked his tongue then sighed, "...Look piecing him back together without an arm, a leg, an ear, a finger, or whatever would give us one of two. When I first broke out of the petrification, I tried reviving people that were broken apart and I just got a bunch of organs. So if we revive him with a missing limb, he will either come back to life but will bleed to death from the open wound. Or he might not come back at all."

"...Ah, okay. Um thanks for letting it down easy."

"Right. But don't go wandering off on your own to look for him okay? You need to stay focused on the battle. We'll look for him once this is over with."

"Right yes you're right. Thanks Senku."

"Mhm, well let's get started on our last battle plan."

He patted my head and walked back to the others to work on the tank. I sighed and crouched down on the floor.

If he's not fully intact, then that's that. I'll be alone, my mother might already be broken down because of her past I'm sure Tsukasa recognized her...She used to be a bike gang leader in Japan when she was still a teen. Then she had a change of heart and met my dad in America. My dad was always a smart man, when he was younger he was very energetic but he grew up just fine.

Because of them two I met a lot of people before I turned 14. Because of them two I'm alive right now. They protected me and Issei when the green light rained down. Now I have no idea where they are, and my brother, who knows. I haven't seen him.


A few minutes later Gen came to take me with him to talk to the other people at Tsukasaland. We played Lilian's song for them and Gen changed personalities.

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