Measure 61: We Made These Memories For Ourselves

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A/N: I'm going to gloss over chapter 94 real quick okay? Because we gotta keep it moving so keep up.

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For the next few days, Senku and Ryusui took pictures of the land from the hot air balloon. We managed to find boars, so our food supply leveled up. Then thanks to Kohaku's wonderful vision, she found the single spot where oil was located.

Francois focused on finding the black truffles for her fancy dish, and then it hit us that boars could help find the oil. So before she could kill the boars, Suika kept one and we used it to find the oil site.

I was starting to feel really really exhausted again, I alternated between long days at the wheat fields, helping Francois & Suika cook, keeping up with my training with Kinro and Ginro, visiting Tsukasa's grave, and the oil excavation with Senku. Not to mention that I mingled with the villagers and Tsukasa's former buddies to make sure everyone was comfortable for the most part.

Eventually, we found the oil. So to put said oil to the test, we built a tiny motorized boat.

Senku was explaining the type of engine we made for the boat, even though no one was even paying attention to him.

"Should we really just pour the oil in?" -Gen

"I don't see why not! Don't be shy Gen~ let's add lots to see if it'll really work!"

"Oh! Do you have someone you like Senku?! That's the love potion right?!" -Taiju

Ryusui, Chrome, Gen, Senku and I looked at Taiju with an extremely confused look.

"Love potion?" -Chrome

"What are you talking about Taiju?" -Gen

"Did he really just say that? Ehhh Senku??? Well answer the man!" I elbowed Senku's side and wore the most smug smile I could whip up.

"Stop! Your bony elbow is killing my organs!"


"The love potion! It's the one Senku gave me that last day on earth to give me courage to confess to Yuzuriha!" -Taiju

"...HAHAH! LOVE POTION?! Can't believe you bought that lie Taiju! Heh, sure it's my own love potion. Except it's not a potion, it's pure gasoline!"

"You gave me gasoline?!" -Taiju

Their playful argument made me burst out laughing, I wasn't there the day we all turned to Stone. I was on my way to Hakone but maaan! That means he didn't get to confess to Yuzuriha?! Ughhh! I am so looking forward to that day!

"Wait a damn minute, slow down, what do you mean it's your own love potion?? Oh my god, is there actually someone you like Senku?! Is that even possible?! I pity that person hehe!"

"Ha! I don't think you should pity yourself kid."

I rose my eyebrows and froze. Hold the fucking phone Casanova, whatdidhesayyyyy??????? What do I- whaaaattttt????? He's definitely kidding, right!? That's it! I can't embarrass him by asking weird questions and freaking out!

"Reaallyyy? Well maybe it is a magic potion then, who knows. So hand it over, I'll test it for you."

Senku laughed and instead handed me a cup of water. I drank it and shook my shoulders a little. I pretended to fall, dramatically, and landed on Senku's arms.

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