Measure 45: Went The Other Way

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After Yuzuriha and Taiju reunited with Senku and discussed their plan via cell phones...:

"We don't have much time until the Tsukasa Army makes their final assault. Gen's team should be back tomorrow, so the mission will begin immediately. Have you gotten any messages from Gen's team?"

"No, we just saw the receiver buried underground— oh! Actually! On our way over here we saw Anzu walking around! She looks well! I didn't know you revived her!" -Taiju

"Yes I managed to distract the guard so she could slip by but we're not sure where she's going. If she continued down the path we came from then she's heading straight to Tsukasa." -Yuzuriha


"Uh did he hear it? Is he still there? Senku? Senku?" -Taiju


"Maybe it cut off? Senku did you hear us? We said we saw—" -Yuzuriha

"Yeah I got it, sorry about that uh that's fine."

"That's not good, first of all it's not like Gen to place it somewhere that would be so easy to find. And second of all...Anzu wasn't supposed to leave them!" Kaseki said off to the side.

"She was supposed to protect them, if she's gone and something happened to the others..." -Kohaku


Morning. Around 11 a.m.? I don't have a clock right now and I don't have a sun dial so all I can do is estimate the time of day by the position of the sun. It shouldn't be too hard since I used to spend most of my days outside back in America. Even an estimate is good enough right now.

I need to find Tsukasa and talk to him. I already forgot what I was going to say but I'll make it work. I have to talk to him...but amongst all these people?! Everyone is so buff and scary looking!!

I can't think of any excuse for them to let me see Tsukasa. First of all, I don't even know who Tsukasa is or what he looks like.

I finally reached the main quarters thanks to Yuzuriha who distracted the guard for me. But now I have no idea where I'm going, there's people eating like savages and some working out.

"Where's the boss, this food is great?!"
"Probably doing his morning rounds! You know him, off killing statues!"
"Haha! You're right! We should join him!"

I overheard some blockheads talking, I'm assuming by boss they mean Tsukasa, who else would it be. I straightened out my clothes and puffed up my chest. I walked up to them confidently and turned on that annoying-cutesy tone.

"Oi, would one of you strong men be so kind to guide me to Tsukasa? I was recently reawakened and I wanted to talk to him about what I should do around here~"

"Y-Yes of course! I'll take you!"
"No I'll take you! I know the way!"

"Thank you so much!!"

The two men led the way in front of me, constantly arguing with each other on who would get me. I ignored them and only spoke when spoken to, I know my manners. And it's not that I don't like THESE people, it's just that I don't like people in general. I rather be by myself, oh and not to mention these people are really umm dumb, to say the least. But I'm no genius either so I shouldn't judge.

"He's right through this path Miss!"

"Awe thanks! Tell ya what, if I get the chance, I'll definitely mention you two and see if I can convince him to raise your status!"

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