Measure 18: Powerful...Ginro?

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"All right Kinro!! He's worn out Magma completely!! That means we've technically won already!!!" -Ginro cheered as he and Anzu hugged each other and jumped up and down.

"...Is that watermelon mask your sorcery then?" -Magma

Ginro and Anzu stopped cheering and stared straight at the two.

"You're right, though it's a bit late, we need to confirm this with the rules." -Kinro

Anzu facepalmed herself and Ginro's jaw dropped. "Are you kidding me?! Goddamn it Kinro you're too nice."

"Seriously? If it's gonna gonna work out in your favor then just shut up about it dude." -Chrome

"If he didn't have such a stick up his ass then he wouldn't be Kinro after all." -Ginro

"I can't move. I can barely speak. This match is over. You can ask Jasper, if he can allow it then it's my loss." -Magma

"I can't hear whatever they're saying but Magma seems more peaceful now!" -Suika

"Psst! Pssstt!..Psstttttttt Sen-cookie!"

"What?! I told you to stop calling me that."

"Hehe. Why do you look so sketchy?"

"This seems a little too good to be true."

"Does it? Kinro trained harder than anyone, I find it fair. I had no doubt that he wouldn't win."

"It's not about Kinro, it's Magma."


"Referee, this watermelon mask was thrown to me by Suika, in order to aid me. I was fully aware of so and still decided to wear it. Rules are rules, so if that is against the rules then I'll accept the loss." -Kinro

"Well it's not like you used it as a weapon, a mask is just considered an article of clothing. Therefore it is allowed—" -Jasper

At that moment, Magma took advantage of Kinro as he turned his back on him. Magma shattered the watermelon mask and knocked Kinro out with one blow.

His loud mocking laughter echoed throughout the arena. Kinro laid on the ground with blood on his head. "BAHAH I KNEW YOU'D GO AND ASK! YOU'RE AS PROPER AND NAIVE AS EVER KINRO!"

"...The winner is Magma!" Jasper reluctantly announced. Ginro rushed over to his brother's side with little tears in his eyes.

"Huuuuhhhh? So that's what you meant Sen-cookie? To be honest that's pretty tactical, Sen-cookie. Who would've thought such a primitive monkey like him would be able to use his head as anything other than a weapon, huh. Can I help him Sen-cookie? I don't really have anything other than the marshmallow~ leaves I used on Gen. Also can I have another shroomie Sen-cookie—"

"I swear if you call me that one more time I'm going to throw you off the cliff Doi Anzu!"

"Ohhh! Ahh how scaryyy. You and what muscles nerd? The more you tell me not to do it, the more I'll do it. Simple input and output S-E-N-C-O-O-K-I-E !"

Senku's eye twitched in anger, he aggressively pulled out another amanita mushroom and shoved it in her mouth.

"Are you saying people are monkeys?"

"Nope~ As a great lizard woman once said, humans are apes, men are monkeys~"

Anzu just burst out laughing, and waltzed over to tend to Kinro's wounds.

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