Measure 44: Let's Visit Tsukasaland

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"Run! Now!" With Senku's signal we ran and ran until we were no longer in sight of the village. Then sneakily and stealthily, we walked the rest of the way.

"Why do we have to be so quiet?!" -Magma

"Because if we don't! We're toast! The plan would be wasted right then and there!" -Chrome

"If it's that girl scout Homura we're worried about...Why don't we just catch her and kill her?!" -Magma

"Shhh! Magma! You're too loud! Tone it down a bit!"

"We can do that once we even know where she is!!" -Chrome

"Although, she definitely has to come out of her hiding spot right now. It's gunpowder that they're worried about after all." -Gen

I sighed and gently pushed them all to walk faster. We don't have time to waste, the sun is already rising and if Homura finds out what we're doing, which I'm sure she will, she'll have no trouble whatsoever in finding us.


On the village's side, Kohaku had been chasing Homura. Senku blinded her with a flare but she easily got away because Senku is so weak. Though he was able to coat her in a powder made out of the tungsten rock, he used a black light to see her traces.

So now it became a double race, the cell phone team was racing to get to Tsukasaland, Homura was racing to find this team, and Senku & the others were running after Homura to stop her from catching up to the cell phone team.


We slid down a mountain hill as gently as possible to not break anything. But Magma literally thumped his way down!

"Big bird! You're gonna break something! Be more careful! Damn it let me see the phone!"

We unpacked the cell phone and assembled it to make sure nothing was broken. But then it rang, we jumped at the scare but then I quickly picked up the phone...something happened. Homura's coming.

"W-Wait Anzu! Don't answer it! The only reason they would call—" -Gen

"Is because Homura is after us. You're right if she sees us talking then she'll know we've got something. Okay, change of plans then. I need to keep you guys and the phone safe. Here—" I started disassembling the phone and handed it to Magma for him to carry. "We'll keep moving, quietly now. From now on, we know nothing of what's going on alright? Let's go."

So we walked more, innocently and as if we had no clue of what was going on.

We stopped for a bit to rest now that it was nighttime again. We gathered around a fire and brought out some food.

"Okay, we're okay. Hoo! Man, this double-teamed tag game is stressful. Us who are carrying the cell phone, Homura who is chasing us, and Senku's team who is chasing Homura. Sounds like a Looney Tunes episode. But thanks to the cell phone, we are able to coordinate our actions via radio."

Gen and Chrome looked at each other weird then back at me.

"What? Did I say something wrong? Oh Looney Tunes! You guys don't know what that is I'm sorry—"

"No, it's not that it's just...That sounded too much like Senku." Chrome said with a sort of nervous look.

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