"Cap there's no one outsi-" Rin and Ren froze and look at them.

Everyman on the ground bleeding, two tied up together and two in Asahi's hands.

And ______ standing with two bloody swords.

"Hey I think we got them." ______ said to them.

"YOU DID THIS ALL BY YOURSELF!?" Ren yelled amazed.


Asahi stayed silent as the two men struggle in his grasp.

She isn't normal..he thinks to himself.

Ren and Rin helped them clean up the bodies as the Hero Commission cleanup crew took care of the rest.

"That was pretty fast..what else do we have to do?" _____ asked looking at Asahi as they were cleaning up.

______ just cleaned her swords.

"You're kidding right?" He asked looking at her.

"Are you sure this was your first time killing someone?" Asahi asked.

"What, don't tell me I did better then you." She teased.

He glared. "This isn't a joke. I get you'll be going on solo missions soon but you have to be careful. You almost died." Asahi said.

"Stop whining. I'm just doing my job. And once this is over I'll kill the League of villains so I could see dad again." _____ said determined.

"Wow is that your plan?? I forgot..so they really won't let you see him anymore?" Ren asks her as she nods

"Well either way. Let's go back to headquarters we need to send in our report." Asahi said making them get into the car as he drove them back to the facility.

There all four of them walked to the main office where they would inform the higher ups about what they did.

Asahi talked to the five bosses discussing how the mission went.

"Kira from what we heard you completed your task successfully. Is that correct?" The lady asks as _____ nods.

"Ya, it was easy." _____ said.

"Plasma would you recommend her do immediately start solo or shall she remain in your team for assistance." The man asks.

_____ looked at Asahi as did Ren and Rin.

Asahi felt this gaze but he knew he couldn't just choose on his feelings. He had to choose based on her experience and effort.

"She can begin her solos.." he said.

"Reasons." The lady demands as he starts listing.

"She's prepared to go into battle. She's been trained efficiently and knows what to do and when to do it. She may be reckless but she got the job done." Asahi explained as they nod.

_______ looked at him then away..he was pretty mad about it earlier..

After a few minutes they send Team C3 out leaving _____ by herself as she looked at them.

"We want to see you fight. If Plasma said you were efficient then let's see you in action. Are you prepared to fight in our training course in an hour?" The lady asks.

"...uh sure. Who am I fighting?" ____ asked.

"We will request someone higher compared to your level. We will get Suho to inform you the details later. You can go." The lady said as _____ just nods and walks out.

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