28: You Need Help

Start from the beginning

"Here's something you're not gonna like so much," Jesy starts haltingly. "What?" Jade asks while cleaning herself up.

"You have to break up with Leigh-Anne."


The girl in question was telling her best friend about that night she and Andre disposed of Jed.

First, she abducted the tall boy through the art of seduction. Then she threatened him at knife point if he didn't show her where Jed lived.

To be scared shitless, Andre was able to lure him out to the woods in his backyard. She came clutch with a garrote and when he had his back turned, she hopped on his back and strangled him.

Though, she didn't kill him yet.

She stole Jed's car then ordered Andre to drag him inside before blindfolding them both.

They enter her basement through a back entrance where she proceeded to torture and kill him.

It chilled the blonde to the bone, but when she went into detail about his screams and cries and how draining all of his blood took hours, Perrie felt as if she'd throw up.

"You're fuckin' mad," she says with trembling eyes. "You weren't this way before. What made you this way?"

Leigh gives her a hard, blank stare, "Did you hear what he did to her? There was no consent and Gray lied to protect his ass. Jade's already had a fucked up life and I wanted to make it better by removing a problem like she did with her brother."

"And look at where all of that got us. Look at my fucking arm, Leigh!" She lifts her shirt's sleeve to show the scar from her stab wound and Jesy's name.

"She did this because you killed Jed." Leigh stood up from her seat abruptly, "He hurt her, Perrie! He only wanted her for her body. Notice how she wears hoodies almost everyday. It's June and we're in one of the hottest states in America. He did that to her."

Perrie stands as well, keeping a bit of distance between them. She shakes her head with a scoff, "Who the fuck are you?" That question ran deep and hit a nerve.

"'Cos you're not the Leigh-Anne I've known since we were in primary school. You're just not," she says, feeling her eyes well up with tears. "I love you, Leigh, but you scare me. A lot. More than Jade scares me," she rubs her previously injured arm while she spoke.

Now that causes the girl to breakdown in tears, sinking back onto the sofa as her best friend's words stab her heart. She knew this was wrong, but there's something about Jade's darkness that possessed her.

Hearing about what she did to her brother, then what Jed did and Andre covered up, she snapped.

Jade didn't approve, but did when it came to Andre. Even though he was relatively innocent. That epiphany makes her cry harder.

Perrie didn't know what to do.

She was still a bit afraid, but like she said, they've been friends their whole lives.

When Leigh's sister starved her out, Perrie brought her snacks. Leigh's dealt with some stuff that she easily got over. Jade either tainted her or awakened a beast that was dormant for years.

She hoped it was the first one.

Regardless, Perrie cautiously scoots closer and wraps her in an embrace. Leigh holds onto her, crying bitterly, "I'm sorry." The blonde shushes her softly, rubbing the girl's arm while she cried until she almost made herself sick.

"You need help," Perrie says seriously and the older girl nods, wiping her eyes and sniffling. "I want you to break up with Jade."

Leigh lifts her head, looking at her with a different kind of sadness. "B-But I love her," she says and Perrie just shakes her head.

"She's killed almost 15 people in her life and threatened to kill Jesy. The only blood relative that actually gives a shit about her. And look at your fucking shoulder! She branded you, Leigh! I know you love her, but she's not good for you. If you stay with her, you're both gonna be in a mental hospital sharing a padded cell."

Leigh furrows her brows then cracks a smile, "That sounds kinda nice." In a fluid motion, Perrie whips her hand across the girl's face. Leigh covers her cheek, looking back at her childhood friend with hurt in her eyes. The blonde grabs her shoulders and shake her roughly.

"Snap the fuck out of it, Leigh! Jade is a murderer! She killed her brother in cold blood! SHE ATE HIS FUCKING LIVER!"

"Shut up! You don't know her like I know her!" She shouts, her emotion switching to anger. "She's been through hell and back then right back to hell. I'm trying to help her-," "By killing with her?! Leigh, listen to yourself! You sound fucking insane!" The girl's face folds into an expression Perrie definitely didn't like.

It causes her to cower a bit at the fire in her eyes.

"I'm not crazy," she says in a low, scary tone. The blonde has been holding back her tears to no avail. She lets out a choked sob, shaking her head to herself.

Leigh realizes her flaw and relaxes her face. She reaches out to console her friend, who snatches away from her. "Don't-Don't touch me," she shudders. "I'm sorry, Pez. I didn't mean-,"

Perrie backs up further, getting as far away as possible. "You killed someone, Leigh," she cries. "I saw what you and Jade were doing afterwards. You're sick. Both of you are fuckin' sick."

"Perrie, you don't understand." The blonde laughs bitterly despite her leaking eyes.

"You're right, I don't. How can you sit here and talk to me like this when I was made to clean up and bury a body, I got stabbed, branded, threatened. You let all of that happen to me. If it weren't for Jesy... I'm sure you would've let her kill me."

"Now, that's not true," she defends and Perrie scoffs.

"Is it?" Was all she says, leaving it at that.

These pass few months were scarring. Seeing her classmate mutilated like that, only to have an anxiety attack so bad that she had to be put back on medication. Something she didn't have to take the entire time they've been in America.

Just then, the front door opens, causing both girls to turn their heads.

To their horror, it was Jade drenched in blood, some around her mouth. Her facial expression was stoic and she held something behind her back.

Perrie, who was closest to the door, runs to hide behind Leigh, who looks just as haunted.

"J-Jade... where's Jesy?"


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