"My Lord, where is my dear friend" He asked as the elf raised an eyebrow. 

"I know not of whom you speak" 

"But you do, where do you keep her?" 

"Mithrandir -"

"It is not to break her out, my lord. I merely want to know if she is safe," The wizard smiled sheepishly at again as Elrond looked at him to find any ulterior motives. 

"Behind elvish bars... Under lock and key" He replied looking around to see if anyone had heard him. 

"Lord Elrond! I would not deem that wise" 

"She needs to pay for her crimes, she may be a human by appearance but she is not one by heart" 


It had grown darker in the dungeons of Rivendell and Nikoleva sat in the comfort of the darkness, as elven guards passed her - glaring and whispering things to each other. 

"I can hear everything you say." She stated, letting the quietness dissolve as she stood up from her place on the floor and walked towards the bars. "I can hear every little thought that is running through your brain"

She had a plan to make them terrified of her, which she could see from a younger looking elf. She wanted them to be scared so she was alone. She had an escape. 

"You are a disgrace" One of the guards growled. 

"Oh, that's a shame" She pouted, before letting out a laugh. "I never chose to be who I am, blame that on my parentage" 

Most of the dwarves scattered to their assigned quarters to get a night's rest while Gandalf, Balin, Bilbo, Thorin gathered in Elrond's chambers in the neighbouring halls.

Thorin began to stare at Elrond in suspicion. "Our business is no concern of elves" He sneered at Elrond causing Gandalf to sigh.

"For goodness sake, Thorin. Show him the map!" Gandalf exclaimed, growing tired of the dwarves' impertinence.

"It is the legacy of my people; it is mine to keep, as are its secrets" Thorin told them pointing to himself.

"Save me from the stubbornness of dwarves. Your pride will be your downfall. You stand here in the presence of one of the few in Middle Earth who can read that map. Show it to Lord Elrond!" The wizard demanded as everyone looked to Thorin. Giving in, he reluctantly drew the map from his coat pocket.

"Thorin, no!" Balin said, placing a hand on his king's shoulder, but he pushes him aside and hands Elrond the parchment paper.

"Erebor. What is your interest in this map?" He looked to Thorin, raising his eyebrows. 

"It's mainly academic," Gandalf answered for Thorin. "As you know, this sort of artefact sometimes contains hidden texts. You still read ancient dwarvish do you not?" Gandalf asked, looking at Elrond.

The group watch as Elrond walked several paces off into the moonlight. The map was then bated in the pearly white light of the moon. Looking at it, Elrond realizes something. "Cirith Ithil" he muttered.

"Moon runes" Gandalf clarified for the two dwarves and Bilbo who did not understand. "It is an easy thing to miss," he added.

"Well in that case, that is true; moon runes can only be read by the same shape and season as the day on which they were written," Elrond told them.

"Can you read them?" Thorin asked, hopefully. Elrond nods, walking out of the chambers, with the others following behind.

He led them to an open area on the side of a cliff, waterfalls rushing on every side - roaring deafeningly. The moon was veiled by the clouds and Lord Elrond lies the map on a large Crystalline table.

"These runes were written on a Midsummer's Eve by the light of a crescent moon nearly two hundred years ago. It would seem you were meant to come to Rivendell. Fate is with you, Thorin Oakenshield; the same moon shines upon us tonight." The elven king stated as the group look up.

Clouds pass over the moon as it shines down on the table. Light flows through the map as glowing white runes fade onto it.

"Stand by the grey stone when the thrush knocks, and the setting sun with the last light of Durin's Day will shine upon the keyhole." Elrond read, before turning to look at the group.

"Durin's day?" Bilbo questioned.

"It is the start of the dwarves' near year, when the last moon of autumn and the first moon of winter appear in the sky together," Gandalf answered him.

Thorin's eyes widened, "This is ill news. Summer is passing, Durin's day will soon be upon us," He muttered.

"We still have time," 

"To find the entrance" Balin started. "We have to be standing at exactly the right spot at exactly the right time. Then and only then, can the door be opened" He added, realizing the complications.

"So, this is your purpose. To enter the mountain?" Elrond asked, looking around the group.

"What of it?" Thorin countered with another question, glaring at the elven king.

"There are some who would not deem it wise" Elrond returned with a sceptical look as Thorin grabbed the map out of his hands, stuffing it back in his coat pocket.

"What do you mean?" Gandalf asked, looking to the group, then to him.

"You are not the only guardian to stand watch over Middle Earth" The elven king walked away, leaving the dwarves and Bilbo look confused as Gandalf sighed.

"I will be back" he muttered before following after the elven Lord.

"Lady of light, how may I help you?" Nikoleva turned her attention away from the guards and two lady Galadriel who stood with a small smile on her face. The elves were quick to leave them as the elven lady stepped forward. 

"You have suffered, my child. Far greater than what your mother would have wanted" As she moved closer, a sense of warmth and light filled the darkness of the cell. 

"My mother never wanted me at all" Nikoleva spat. 

"If that is true, why did she keep you? Why did she care for you?" 

"She did not. She only kept me, so my father had another innocent child to corrupt, other than my brother. So he had someone to damage and break until they were left emotionless!" She snapped, glaring at her. "So tell me, Lady Galadriel. Why visit the daughter of evil? Why gift her with such kindness when she gives none back? Why waste your efforts in trying to redeem her?"

Galadriel smiled at her as she said this and nodded her head in a small chuckle. "I do not know the answer, for there is not one to give. I will not try to remind you of the times of when you were happy, when you were with your mother. For I know my attempts will be useless -" 

"Then why try? Elrond has locked me up, or so he thought. I could break out of here If I wanted to," The brunette cut her off. Looking for her reaction to what she has just said. 

"Then go! Leave. I will not try to stop you, but an army of elves might" 

"Stop it with the pitiful looks. I made my own path with the blood of the people I have killed. There is a way things must be done, I plan to change them so certain people I want dead are, well, dead. I know you do not fear me, Lady of Light, but the majority do and I can and will use that to my advantage," Nikoleva stalked forward in the cell. towards where Galadriel was standing. "I am sure you have a council to get to, you would not want to raise any suspicion to them that I am here, do you?" 

"Of course not" Galadriel smile yet again. "Just know this, Nikoleva Márdomiel, there will be something that changes you in the future, that I can confirm. What it is, is up to you. All though sometimes fate decides for us" 

"I don't believe in fate!" Nikoleva shouted after her. "Or in luck!" 

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