Start from the beginning

As Dream ran away again I switched my shield out for my crossbow, loading it up as quickly as I can as I use my bow to send an arrow at Dream, which missed but it kept him moving.

Once Dream decided to stop, he turned around I quickly switched my shield back to my offhand. We both slowly got closer again, trying to stay cautious of one another. We circled and taunted eachother.
But, I got a little greedy and tried to attack, which lead in Dream getting a hit on me. Only half a heart, but still. These hearts are precious, so out of panic, I ran away.

Dream ended up shooting me in the back, getting me down one and a half hearts. 

I silently cursed at myself for the reckless mistake, turning back around and shielding myself up once again.

Dream once again slowly made his way over to me, putting up and lowering his shield as an attempt to get to me faster. We circled a bit and at the same time, we traded hits with the diamond axes, him getting me lowered to one heart of health.

Running away from eachother because of how low we both were, I turned around and shot my last arrow which missed him by only a pixel. My hand began to shake and I desperately tried to dodge any incoming arrows from him. I suddenly took a stop and raised my shield, my eyes tracking Dream.

He shot an arrow which bounced off my shield, and he began to run away too.

He was really low, I could tell.

So, I took my chances.

Neither of us had any arrows left, we shot all of them.

I slowly made my way over to Dream. Us both having our shields up and cautiously keeping an eye on eachother.

My heart was racing. My palms were incredibly sweaty. And I was shaking so much from excitement.

We circled eachother once more, and when I saw an opportunity to crit him from behind....
...I took it.

I let go of my shield, holding down my W and D keys hard as I managed to get behind Dream. I held my space bar as I turned my mouse quickly to my left and smashed down my left click with the axe, causing my axe to slash down.

After the action was done, my eyes widened and my jaw dropped at the message that displayed in chat.

Dream was slain by U/N. 

"OH MY GOD- THERE'S NO FUCKING WAY--" I literally screamed at the top of my lungs, jumping out of my chair

I clasped my hands over my mouth, continuing to stare at the death message in chat. Soon after I let out a squeal.

"NO FUCKING WAY!!!" I cheered throwing up my arms "DID I ACTUALLY JUST KILL DREAM!?"

I felt the most goofiest smile come across my face. I was so in shock about what just happened... I was so shocked in fact, that I didn't even hear Dream's own screams and raging from his stream.

I turned off the stupidly funny speed run music and ended up laughing uncontrollably, me trying to calm my breathing and my yelling because I probably am going to get noise complaints from my family and neighbors otherwise.

After a few minutes, I decided to look back at Dream's stream and tune in.

"Okay- okay- okay- that was a very close one. Y'know what? I'm actually glad that was the outcome. They did extremely well with that fight." Dream admits "Okay.... lemme just get them in a call"

wait- what?

My eyes shot over to the discord to see that the other call that was empty before now had Dream in it.


And without any chances to let me breathe, I was moved into Dream's call.

"Hey, hello? You there U/N?" Dream asks

I was spazzing up for a quick moment, unable to speak because of my sudden sense of being star struck... but after biting down on the inside of my cheek, I forced myself to speak.

"Yeah I'm- I'm here." I spoke

"Good! good. Uhh- yeah. I just wanted to say congratulations on winning the duel!" Dream said "that was a very close match. How much health were you at?" 

"I am literally at- like- one heart, Dream" I replied, a little out of breath

Dream let out a chuckle.

"No- You don't understand. I was shaking that whole time...." I admitted

"Yeah, I could tell" He laughed "Anyways. Congratulations once again, we can discuss about your entry to the Dream SMP after the stream, if you'd like"

"Yeah- yeah- yeah... that's fine" I answered

"Good! good... Anyway- let me just end my---"


"HEYYYYY BIG MAN D!!!" A very loud voice erupted through the call we were both in

"Wha- TOMMY! How did you get here!? You don't have perms!" Dream barked

"Dream-- That is the least of your worries!!! YOU LOST TO A WOMAN! I thought you were one of the best there is!!" Tommy exclaimed "You lost to Techno, now you lost to one of your viewers!-- a girl mind you! That is one of the biggest L's there is, Dream!!"

Quietly sitting in the call, I decided to take a screenshot of this amazing moment.

I'm in a call with Dream AND Tommy!!! What are the fucking chances!!!

"OH MY GOD- Tommy, I'm going to ban you if you don't leave" Dream said



"...you- you actually banned him?" I questioned

"Yep" Dream simply replies "Anyways... Let me just end my stream and we can go ahead and talk about the details"

"Okay" I said

Dream then goes on defen and I await patiently for him to end his stream.

Missing Files {Tommyinnit X Fem!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now