He was disappointed, but Remiah obediently murmured, "Okay... but will you-"

The line cut off. He was left hanging.

Remiah had to force himself not to let his smile slip. Everyone just keeps leaving him, don't they?

While the man agonized being lonely again, Mirren sauntered down the hallways in a daze. He didn't really know where he was going, but he didn't stop to question it and kept wandering around aimlessly.

Mirren would've ran straight into the wall and probably wouldn't have minded, but he was caught off guard when someone snatched his arm, stopping him just in time.

"Oh, you're out already?"

His heart thumped a little quicker. Mirren instantly turned around to see Niven keeping a firm hold on his arm, slowly pulling him away from the wall.

"I don't know what's on your mind, but you should probably watch where you're going," Niven continued without much fanfare.

It was like he wasn't even bothered by what happened last time.

Mirren felt his throat tighten at the sight of Niven again. The student still looked a little sickly and his movements were much more slower than before, yet Niven didn't seem fazed by it at all. Mirren thought to hug Niven since it had been almost two grueling weeks without seeing him , but he did something he didn't think was possible.

The jaguar beastman slowly pulled his arm away from the student. He put some distance between them and don't really look at the boy.

"Thank, baby... I'll be more careful from now on. Um, I'll see you later," he said.

Mirren turned away and walked off, not wanting to give Niven a chance to speak. It was best if he returns to detention now and deal with the heavy guilt building up in his chest.

And it would've been a lot easier to go back, but Mirren was a little startled to see Niven actually matching his pace with the beastman even though he looked so tired.

"Where are you going?" Niven asked. "The student council building is in the other direction."

The brunet almost stopped. He slowly questioned, "Why would I go there?"

"Alpha's holding a small council meeting for the next Ludos tournament. Since you're out, I thought you'd be coming."

"Oh, no... I'm heading back to detention. I-I'm not done," Mirren tripped over his words and cringed with how awkward it was having to face Niven.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were done. How come you're out then?"

"Just meeting with Remiah's annoying ass. That's all."

"Hey, can I actually... talk to you for a second? It won't take long and it's important."

"No, I really have to return." Mirren put a little more distance in by walking faster. "Next time, baby."

"But I really need to talk to you."

"You're still sick, right? You shouldn't stay out here too long. I'll see you later."

Niven wasn't given much of a chance to hold him back since the male literally vanished, leaving him all alone in the hallway.

He was stunned to the point of just standing there for a while. He didn't think Mirren would actually leave him so fast, but Niven didn't blame him. Mirren was probably guilty over what happened.

While the boy left to go to the meeting, Mirren stumbled inside of the detention chamber with a small curse. He hated having to warp around the large grounds of the academy. Mirren was never one to use magic so efficiently, he nearly slammed himself against the wall just to appear.

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