Depuis le début

"Even if he did, I'm afraid we can't help you. We're closed." Deaton said and Peter stepped forward a bit, "Well, I think you can make an exception this one time, don't you?" He asked and Deaton shook his head slightly. "I'm sorry. That's not going to be possible. Maybe you could come back during regular hours?" Deaton suggested and Peter took a deep breath.

"You have something of mine. I'm here to collect it." Peter said and Azalea went to stand up but Scott grabbed her arm. She glanced at him for a moment before pulling her arm back and walking over to the door way. "You heard the man. We're closed." She said as she came to stand next to Deaton.

Peter went to step forward but paused slightly as he held his hand out over the gate. "Mountain ash. That's an old one." He said before grabbing a chair and throwing it at them. Azalea held up her hand and flicked it towards the side, redirecting the chair to the wall.

"Let me be as clear as possible: We. Are. Closed." Deaton said slowly and Peter stood up straighter and flicked his trenchcoat before walking towards the door but stopped for a moment.

"There are others who can help me get what I want, Scott... More innocent, and far more vulnerable." Peter said lowly which both Scott and Azalea heard making Azalea growl under her breath. "Leave. Now." She said making Peter chuckle lowly before walking out.


Azalea stood at her locker, grabbing stuff out before closing it as someone walked up to her. "Hey..." They said awkwardly and she smiled at him, "Isaac, right?" She asked and he looked at her shocked for a moment. "Yeah, yeah. Uh- I was wondering if you had a date to the formal or not." He said and she raised her eyebrows in amusement.

"Is this your way of asking me to the formal?" She asked and he scratched the back of his neck slightly, "Kind of..." He said making her chuckle quietly. She pulled a pin out of her bag before grabbing his hand making his eyes widen slightly. She wrote her number down on his hand before smiling at him.

"I'll see you at the formal." She said before walking away. Isaac watched her walk away before glancing down at his hand with a small, happy smile.


"Nothing's wrong. I have a lot on my mind." Allison said as she, Azalea and Lydia stepped onto the escalator. "You could smile at least. Ever hear the saying: Never frown. Someone could be falling in love with your smile. Smile, Allison. I'm buying you a dress." Lydia said making Azalea and Allison chuckle.

"I'll admit, as far as apologies go, that's more than I expected." Allison said and Azalea chuckled as they stepped off the escalator. "But not as much as I"m going to ask." Allison said making them look at her confused, "What's that supposed to mean?" Lydia asked and Allison smirked. "It means you're going to cancel on whatever dumb, 'roided-up jock you said yes to and you're going to go with somebody else." Allison said.


"Him." Allison answered pointing at someone. Lydia and Azalea looked over to see Stiles awkwardly looking at perfume bottles making Azalea smirk slightly. "Aww. Don't frown, Lydia! Someone could be falling in love with your smile." Azalea said and Lydia took a deep breath before walking over to Stiles.

"Hey, Azalea?" Allison asked as her and Azalea started looking through the dresses, "There's something I wanted to talk to you about." Allison said and Azalea hummed slightly. "What's up?" She asked, not looking up from the dresses, "Last night-" Allison started but someone cut her off.

"That's not your color." A familiar voice said making Azalea spin around to see Peter looking at the dress in Allison's hands. "Sorry if that was intrusive. But considering your skin tone, I'd go lighter." He said as Azalea stepped closer to Allison, giving Peter a harsh glare.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➢ ɪꜱᴀᴀᴄ ʟᴀʜᴇʏ / ꜱᴄᴏᴛᴛ ᴍᴄᴄᴀʟʟ Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant