"I knew they were rich but..this is just crazy" _____ said as he nods agreeing.

They walked inside knocking on the door.

After a while it opens and Baba was standing there smiling down seeing _____ .

"You're finally here, good come in! I hope the ride was pleasant." Baba said opening the door. He reached to grab her bag from Katsuki but Katsuki pulled back.

"I got it." He said as Baba just looked at him.

"Oh right, Katsuki's going to spend the night here today. But only tonight. Once morning hits he's gone. Is that okay??" _____ asked him as Baba hesitated before nodding.


They walked as Baba led them to the enormous living room where Nana was.

"Oh my you're here!! How are you sweetheart???" Nana asked hugging _____ and kissing her cheek.

"I'm good! Did you guys really buy this place?? It so big." _____ said.

"Big? This is hardly anything! It was the only one available near the city. You should see the house we have back in America. Over 50 acres! We had tons of animals in our yard too. But this place will have to do now that we're permanently here." Nana said smiling.

Katsuki's and _____'s eyes widen as they both stutter. "5-50..a-acres?"

"How rich are you people!?" Katsuki asked confused.

Nana laughed as Baba smirked. "We're hard workers. After handing the business down to Kuro everything feels free." Baba said jokingly.

They informed Nana about Katsuki staying as she agreed to it.

She walked them up the beautiful stairs leading them into a large hallway and into a gigantic room.

Anyone there could call it princess worthy.

"and this room is yours my dear. We wanted to get you the best view and biggest room. You have your own bathroom and shower over here and your walk in closet here. Also isnt this window seating absolutely adorable?!" Nana said smiling wide as ______'s face brightens up.

"Oh my god..this is mine?!" She said as Nana smiled wide nodding.

Baba walked over seeing her wide smile.

Katsuki was just freaked out...the fuck!?..I was suppose to buy her a house..! She better have the same reaction when I get one...it'll be even bigger then this shit hole.

He started to feel jealous how they were letting _____ experience this without his help.

"Now Katsuki was it? I'm glad we got all the rooms ready, you can sleep-" Nana was saying but got cut off by Baba.

He pointed all the way down the hall to the farthest room away from _____'s.

"Over there." Baba said.

Katsuki dropped _____'s bag by the door as the girls admired her room Nana walking to her to view everything as Baba took Katsuki to his room.

Legacy.. (Bakugou X Reader) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora