Chapter 2: Unlucky Confrontation

Start from the beginning

But wait, IT CAN TURN INTO A BAT AND COME HERE, RIGHT?? But that would make it vulnerable, right? And it can't change inside here because it will be too big.

It seems that the tiger has the same thought process as me. It seems like it gave up on me and went away, but I stayed for an approximate extra half an hour until I was totally sure it wouldn't be there.

I peeked my head out and slowly trekked my way down. The closer to the ground I am, the louder a strange noise becomes. When I came down and turn around...


I jumped away out of fear, but then I realised it was asleep. I still froze in place for a minute but then slowly stepped sideways, and again, and again. I kept doing this until the cave where the tiger lives was almost out of sight, then I broke into a full-on run.

AAAAAA I THOUGHT I WAS REALLY GOING TO DIE BEFORE. Grrrrrrr why is this harder than online school homework? I thought nothing can be harder than that!

When I stopped rambling internally, I decided to find a new place to call my home. I walked for about an hour, which is when I realized I'm hungry again. I was about to stop to pick some fruits from a bush, but I heard rustling in another and noped outta there.

Luckily, I stumbled into a small cave that is perfect for me and doesn't have the smell of another potentially dangerous animal in it.

Fu fu fu, It's unfortunate for you, cat, that you showed me that you're a vampire type because I happen to know about folklore with vampires in it, and their weaknesses...

I smiled evilly as I fell asleep.

~~~~~~~the next day~~~~~~~

Time for an ambush!

Last night, I thought through all the possibilities of killing the vampire cat. I had some silver, or at least I hope it's silver. It looks silver, the sword of a knight that was left behind, that is.

Normally I bully incompetent people but I'm thanking them for now.

I've decided to risk it now than later because the cat is bound to kill me in the near future. I need to show it not to mess with me, maybe kill it if this plan works. Goddamn, I'm hungry though.

I managed to kill two hares that went in my sight. It was much easier because I now have experience running from my near death experience yesterday and climbing trees proved crucial for ambushing them.

I kept walking for about ten minutes before I noticed the familiar smell of the cat's cave. I saw the hole and saw it still sleeping. Hah, your sleepiness will be your end.

First off, I'll need to limit its mobility, which means I need to keep it in its small home and not let it go outside. I can't block it, so I spent half an hour cutting branches quietly to open up some sunlight at the entrance of the cave. It would at least trigger a little hesitation to escape for the cat.

The second step, I slowly and quietly hung the sword, which I somehow nimbly carried here even though it's almost twice my size, on the roof of the cave with vines. And then I connected the aforementioned vine into another vine that tightly slithers to the ground and under a rock. The plan is that I lure the cat to the position under the sword and at the same time I cut the vine that I put under the rock so the sword falls down and slashes or impales the tiger. Silver or not, that is bound to be fatal at the least.

Now, just...

HYAAAA, EAT MY FOOT YA BITCH. Wait, don't take that literally please.

The tiger jolted from my kick and panicked a bit. It found me and tried to fly out, becoming a bat again, but found that the entrance was full of sunlight, I took advantage of this situation and yeeted the bat back into the cave with my claws, ripping the centre of the wings in the process.

Reincarnated As A Dragon Vol. 1: A New World, A New Life (Old)Where stories live. Discover now