Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

"Liam? Lads, where did Payno go?" Zayn said into the mic. 

"I'm right here Z!" I put on a fake smile acting like everything was alright. "Sorry mate, had to take a wee." I jogged out to him.

"Yay Liam's back!" Harry chimed in running over to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulders. 

"We had a fan ask a question, if you could eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?" Harry looked at me as he walked us over to the group giving a concerned face as he saw my eyes all puffy and red. 

"Oh, that's a great question. Um, I would have to say steak and vegetables. Eat your greens kids!" I joked so the fans wouldn't catch on knowing I was on the big screen at the moment.

We answered a few more questions before we started to sing the rest of the show. I'm not sure how but I managed to keep it together for the rest of the night as the boys checked in on me frequently. 

"We've been One Direction! Good Night!" Niall said as we all ran up the extension on the stage and out of sight of the fans. 

"That had to be the best crowd yet!" Harry smiled putting his arm around Louis. 

"Definitely," Louis said, putting his arm around Harry's waist. 

They walked away headed for their dressing rooms. "You know if I hadn't seen what I did earlier, I would think Harry and Louis are the ones secretly dating not Riley and Louis," Zayn whispered in my ear before walking away. 

They're not dating, are they? Maybe this is just a rebound for Riley and Louis just wants to mess around. If that's all she wanted, she could have just asked me. Then again I don't blame her. I called the whole night a mistake. What girl would want to stay after that? 

Taking a deep breath I started for the dressing rooms trying to get out of my thoughts.

The ride back to the Airbnb was silent except for the giggles from Louis and Riley in the back seat. I sank lower trying not to listen longing for a drink, or four. 

When we reached the house I headed straight for the kitchen and poured myself a heavy glass of whisky gulping it down. It burned all the way but I didn't care. I poured another and took the bottle as I walked to the couch. The boys all looked at me as I went. 

"Alright! Party!" Harry said as he ran to the kitchen to grab other drinks. Well, at least I won't drink alone. I thought, gulping the rest and pouring another glass on the heavy side as Riley sat close to Louis on the couch. 

Harry came back with as many bottles as he could carry and poured himself a glass. We spent the next few hours drinking and talking until Zayn was passed out on the couch with Niall. H was in just his boxers flirting with Lou as he, stumbling everywhere, tried to put him to bed with Riley helping them up the stairs. I was left alone staring at the wall.

"I should have kissed you that night Riley." I breathed out getting up to pour another drink and started laughing, realizing I was quoting one of our songs. 

"I should have kissed you, oh I should, I should, oh I should have kissed you" I started to sing as I raised a glass and gulped it down stumbling. I was very drunk and in my feelings. 

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs followed by some giggles. Rileys face caming into view, "Riley!" I shouted. Zayn shifted on the couch from the noise. 

"Shh, Liam." Riley said, giggling. 

She was trying to sound sober but was not doing a very good job of it. Realizing this we both laughed out loud as she stumbled over to me and took my drink, finishing it. She then started to walk toward the double doors that lead to her and Niall's room off of the main room. When she reached the doors she turned and pointed a finger at me. "You! Come here!" She said stumbling at the force from her finger point.

I laughed and stumbled after her, grabbing a bottle along the way. She pointed her finger in my face again and wiggled it around, "You have been avoiding me again Liam. But thatssss otay because I haven't been around much either." She slurred her words as she spoke, swaying back and forth. 

"Yeah, you've been with him" I mocked, drinking from the half-empty bottle of rum. 

We were both too far gone to know what was happening. "Well, I'm here now. You're no fun anymore Leeyum. Hey! Remember, remember that night we had? That. Was fun. You should be more like that again." Riley laughed again, stumbling into me. 

I caught her as she fell, her spilling the drink she was holding. "Oh yeah? I can still have fun. Let's go." I laughed at the poodle on the ground. Riley covered her mouth and giggled, "Otayyy!" 

She opened the double doors and walked in as I stumbled behind her, pouring more into her cup. Closing the doors I turned around to find Riley spread out on the bed. She stretched her hands out telling me to come to her. Trying the best I could I stumbled over and fell on top of her putting my bottle down as we laughed.

We stayed like this looking at each other before she crashed her lips up onto mine. She opened her mouth and I fought her tongue, exploring her mouth, tasting the alcohol on her tongue, and getting more drunk off of it than I already was. 

As things started to heat up I rolled us over and sat up as she straddled me. Breaking the kiss only for a moment or two for the fabric of her dress and my shirt to pass through and land on the floor. I laid back down as Riley started to move to my neck giggling all the way. She reached my pants and unbuttoned them, pulling them off, adding them to the growing pile on the floor.

Stumbling as she got up, she giggled again making me laugh, both being way too gone to care. Climbing back onto the bed she laid on top of me and traced one of my tattoos with her finger. 

"This one's my favorite." She said before looking at me. 

I laughed at how serious she sounded making her laugh as well. "You're my favorite," I said pulling her down to lock our lips together again. 

We rolled around on the bed as I felt her curves on her body. Pinning her to the bed I crawled down leaving kisses as I went. I stopped at her waist and looked up. Riley was looking down, biting her lip breathing hard. I looked into her lustful drunken eyes and saw them turn two shades darker as she nodded her head. Letting out a breathy laugh and a smirk I pulled down her underwear and flung it across the room laughing when it hit the ceiling fan.

As we finished I pulled her to the side not breaking the kiss and pulled the covers over us. "See, now wasn't that more fun?" She said, causing us both to laugh. I pulled her close in my arms not wanting to ever let her go. 

"Liam I have to tell you something." She said in a very sleepy voice. 

"Alright, what is it?" Trying hard to pay attention knowing it was probably going to be hard to remember tomorrow what she said. 

"It's about Louis. He and I-" she trailed off into a yawn and fell asleep. Not registering what she was trying to tell me I chuckled. Silly Riley fell asleep in the middle of a sentence. I shook my head and closed my eyes letting sleep take over.

Hehehe teaser! 

But oh lord what willl happen when they wake up? Also, poor Liam he just wants the girl of his dreams (insert sad face)

My brothers best mate (Liam fanfic ft. Louis and Larry)Where stories live. Discover now