McGonagall stared at the four, looking at them as if she was in slight disappointment

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McGonagall stared at the four, looking at them as if she was in slight disappointment. "Why is it when something happens, it is always you four?"

"Believe me professor, I've been asking myself the same question for the past six years."

Athena shrugged. "Maybe bad luck is just attracted to us-"

"It was rhetorical, you two." Hermione stated quietly.

Athena stopped, her mouth dropping open. "Right. Got it. I never said anything. Nada."

Footsteps can be heard coming from behind them. "Oh Severus."

Athena watched as the two teachers inspected the item, muttering to each other. "She was cursed, wasn't she? I know Katie off the pitch and she would never hurt a fly. If she was delivering it Dumbledore, she wasn't doing it knowingly."

"Yes. She was cursed."

"It was Malfoy." This caused everyone to turn to the boy.

"Woah there, calm down Harold, don't go accusing people." Athena raised a brow at the boy.

"She's right, that's a very serious accusation, Potter." McGonagall stated, turning around to the four.

"Indeed." Snape turned around as well. "Your evidence?"

"I just know."

"Harry that's bull- '' Athena stopped herself from talking, dropping her head on Hermione's head as Snape talked to Harry. She didn't really want to listen to what the two were talking about, but it wasn't very long after that McGonagall had dismissed them back to their dorms.


Harry watched Draco from the Marauders Map, watching as his footsteps continued. He made some small talk with Ron, talking about Ginny not telling Ron that she had a thing for Luna. The conversation had gotten awkward after a few more words - "nice skin" to be exact. However, fortunate for Athena, Harry hadn't seen her footsteps walking towards Draco on the map. The boy had already put the map down.

Athena was determined to get Draco to talk to her that night. After what had occurred that day, and all those times that he dodged having a conversation with her, she knew that she would have to get him to speak eventually.

It was already way past curfew, but Athena had overheard Draco talking to Blaise that he wasn't going to be back in his dorm until midnight. So as the clock had hit 11:57 pm, Athena had wandered the halls that's directed to the dungeons.

"Stupid Harry not letting me use the bloody map tonight. I don't even know why the fuck that turd needs it. He should've at least given me the reason..." Athena mutely grumbled under her breath, making sure that her footsteps made no sound as she passed through the halls.

After a while of wandering, she made a turn to her left until she saw a familiar platinum blonde boy walking with his head faced down on the floor. 'Finally. I thought I had already missed him.'

As the boy walked past her, she grabbed his wrist, harshly turning and dragging him to the wall as he hit his head. "What the fuck!" The boy yelled out, grabbing the back of his head as he fell to the floor.

Athena knew it was a bit rude of her to do so, but she was honestly pissed at the boy and this was the only way she can get him to talk to her. "Don't even try running away Draco. Talk."

"Why'd you fucking slam my head to the wall?!" Draco whispered harshly, looking up to the girl.

"Well, why do you keep ignoring me?!" She shot back, to which he just quieted down. "Exactly."

Draco extended one leg while the other was bent, his elbow leaning on his propped up knee as he looked down. "I'm sorry-"

"I don't want to hear an apology. I want to hear an explanation."

Draco put his head back up, looking around before turning his head up to look at her. "I can't. Someone could listen in."

Athena had pulled out her wand, casting a spell around the two to keep their conversation private. "'Kay now talk."

Before the boy could speak another word, tears had started to fall from his face. Athena's eyes widened at this, kneeling down to place a hand on his shoulder. "I got it Fi."

"Got what?"

He looked back up at her. Now Athena could see clearly. The boy had tired circles that had formed underneath his eyes, his eyes slightly red as if he'd been crying. "I got the mark."

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