"Okay, time to get to it." She says as she comes back into the room.

"Let's start by looking at the last test we took. Do you still have it?"

"Nope. I crumbled that shit up."

She sighs, "Kaen, in order for you improve on your work, you need to find where you went wrong, first. But that's okay, we'll look over my work and you can tell me what you do and don't understand."

About an hour goes by, and my brain is getting fucking fried. Studying is so much work.

"I still don't fucking get it. This is all just so pointless. I'm never going to be able to get good grades, so this is just waste of time." I snap at her.

"Okay... why don't we take a break? I can tell you're getting more frustrated by the second."

I sigh, "Sorry... I know you're just trying to help me."

"Don't worry, you're not the first person with a bad temper I've had to deal with. You want a beer?"

"Nah, I'm okay, thanks."

She's so patient with me... and understanding. She doesn't yell back at me when I yell at her... she basically has no reaction. She said she's dealt with someone with a bad temper before... I wonder who.

She comes back in the room and plops down on her bed. It's just now that I'm noticing she's wearing a tight crop top. I can't help but notice how good her boobs look in it... and she has her nipples pierced.

Jeez, cut it out, Kaen. Stop being a perv. Stupid fucking guy brain.

"You can come sit too, y'know? I don't bite."

Maybe I want you to.

I walk over and sit at the edge of her bed, while she's laying down.

"So... how has the uhh... brain thing been? Any better?" I say, trying to break the silence.

"Oh, yeah. I went to the doctor on Friday after school, and I'm basically all clear. I just can't train everyday like I used to... and I can't fight anyone."

"Wow, that's great. So you'll be training with us in class again?"

"Yep. I just have to take it easy, is all."


She sits up next to me, "So, how did you and Del become friends? I mean, no offense, but he's like really nice. You guys are basically polar opposites."

I chuckle, "Well, we've been friends since elementary school. He was being picked on by some kids, so I went over there and told those little fuckers off. Then they tried bully me, so I blasted them with my fire and they left us alone. I got in trouble of course... but ever since then Del and I have been best friends."

"Aw, you were his knight in shining armor."

"Don't call it that." We both laugh, "What about you? How'd you meet your friends?"

"Oh..." She takes a sip from her beer, "The only friends I have are the ones I've made here."

"You don't have friends back in Frostford?"

She sighs, "Well, I did. But they ended up being a bunch of fake ass people, so I cut them all off."

"What'd they do?"

"My boyfriend at the time cheated on me... with one of my friends. All of the girls knew except for me, but then I found out. So needless to say... I definitely don't miss Frostford."


Her boyfriend cheated on her with one of her best friends and everyone else knew. That's so fucked up. How could anyone ever cheat on Ash in the first place?

"Shit... that fucking sucks. Whoever that guy is– he's a total fucking idiot. All of those people are a bunch of idiots for losing you."

Her face... she's blushing. It's taking everything in me to hide mine.

"Thanks, Kaen."

She looks away, then looks back at me... but my eyes never leave her. They travel all over her face, admiring every inch of it... she really is so effortlessly beautiful.

I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear and away from her face, and start to lean in. Our faces are closer than they've ever been before, our lips lightly brush against one other...

Am I really about to kiss her? I want to. So fucking badly. I want to feel her soft and plump lips connect with mine... feel our tongues swirl together.

But then she backs away.

"We should... we should probably get back to studying." She says in between heavy breaths.

I close my eyes and sigh, "Yeah... you're right."

What the fuck just happened?

Why did I do that? I was going to kiss her. I wanted to kiss her. And who knows what else would've followed after that...

I was avoiding her... and now I'm thinking about kissing her. What the fuck is wrong with me?


The rest of the night is filled with some sexual tension, and it's been bit awkward. But I don't entirely hate it, to be honest.

I don't know what I was thinking when I did that.

"Okay, we can be done for the night. I'm pretty tired."

"Thank god, my brain is fucking fried."

We walk to her front door, and honestly... I wish the time had dragged on for a little longer. "Alright, well... I'll see you in a few days, I guess."

"Yeah... enjoy your Christmas."

"Thanks... you too. See you later."


Ash Ninomae... what are you doing to me?

Ashling's POV

As soon as I watch Kaen drive away, I grab the couch pillow, screaming into it.

What the fuck happened tonight?

I'm not crazy... he definitely was going to kiss me this time. He literally leaned in... and so did I. Fuck. Why did I stop him? Ugh, why am I even thinking about kissing him?!

And then the amount of sexual tension afterwards... I could barely fucking breathe.

I need to stop feelings these things for Kaen. I can tell that he's not the type to do relationships, and I don't even want to think about hooking up with him even once because I know I'll just end up hurting myself.

It just sucks because we can't really meet in public. He doesn't want anyone to know that he needs to be tutored. So, it's either my house or his... being all alone.

I need a cold shower, and some sleep after tonight.

Kaen Pierce... you really are trouble, huh?

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