-chapter 10-

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*lynx's POV*

"Well, what you going to do?" Mortica asks, desperately trying to get me too meet her eyeline.

I've been sat, staring at my wall for the past 30 minutes, not being able to speak or move - anything.

Originally, Mortica was only coming over for some food and then dip but as I checked my phone for the time, I was bombarded with a shit ton of notifactions, similar pictures flashing round my screen.

The paparazzi actually managed to take a few pictures of me and Billie, getting a clear picture of me and Billie.

And if that wasn't bad enough, an 'secret source' had told them about our dating history, exposing my past relationship to literally the entire world with photographic evidence.

It's the picture from the assembly we had where Billie asked me to be her girlfriend.

My head is so loud right now I can't even think.

Between the fact that Billie is like one of the most famous people on the planet and now everyone knows I dated her, or the fact that whoever told TMZ, must know quite a bit about our highschool lives, meaning they could expose anything, including Billie's diagnosis, it seems almost foolish to carry on with whatever is left with my day.

Of course there's one thing I desperately want to do which is message Billie, see how she's coping oth this. I gather that this must be way harder on her than it is on me.

But I can't bring myself to message her, then it will be like everything is official, I'm the girl that will be forever known as Billie's highschool sweetheart.

"Lynx?" Mortica asks again, her tone still cautious.

"I don't know." I whisper, still staring unblinkingly at my left wall, zoning out completely. "I guess I'll just stay here forever."

Mortica sighs, moving that much closer to me, hand on my forearm.

"You can't just sit here and do nothing Lynx. You have to do something and whatever it is you are going to do you have to decide fast."

What the hell does she expect me to do? I know damn right that if she was in this position, she would have no fucking idea what to do so I don't know why she's pressuring me.

"I think you need to leave." I say quietly, not bringing myself to look at the expression on my best friend's face.

Mortica sighs, clearly knowing I'm going to get my way and leaves, slamming the door shut without another word.

With a deep breath, I pull out my phone, instantly going to billie's contact.


this is all my fault
i'm so sorry


*billies pov*

My leg bounces up and down as I read the message, my mind too focused on everything going on too make sense of it all.

Currently, I'm waiting for an interview to start, sat uncharacteristically upright on the pale blue sofa.

Being here is like being in literal hell.

Danny - my manager - has tried his hardest to get me out of it but it just wasn't possible.

I know the certain topic that is going to come up and I'm just trying to mentally prepare myself for it.

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