-chapter 15-

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*lynx's POV*

I'm momentarily stunned by the girl stood in front of me, this girl definitely not being the one who was in my car with me those days ago.

"Billie?" I ask quietly, cautiously looking her up and down. "Are you drunk?"

Billie is still messily draped against the wall, her eyes half closed as if trying to do a fuckboy impression or some shit.

"Maybe like a..." She looks at her fingers, confused. "I'm drunk a lot." She smiles lopsidedly.

"Billie, why would you do that? You rarely drink, you know it's bad for you." I ask with a sigh, bringing her into the apartment. I don't get why she would do something like that.

"I was sad that you left me so I had some water which turned out to be less water and more booze. And then I kind of had some moreeee and...." She slurs her speech, every limb being ten times heavier than usual as I try walking her down the hallway.

"I didn't leave you Billie. I decided I had enough of the party so I told Claudia too tell you that I was going home." I say, slightly pissed at Claud now.

Billie is clearly not in the right state and it's my responsibility now to take care of her.

"How did you even get here anyways? Please tell me you didn't drive here drunk." I ask urgently, still trying to prop her up, slowly walking her too my bedroom.

"It's 2020 Lily. Ubers existtt!" She says As if it's the most obvious thing in the world, causing her too laugh.

Drunk Billie is definitely not a version of her that I like. Maybe it's cause she's sad drunk but there are literally no positives right now.

"I think we need to get you too bed Bil, and a glass of water."

Billie suddenly stops, turning to face me with suddenly unsquinty eyes.

"I don't want to go to bed. I came here for you."

I feel my eyebrows furrow, confused at what's she's trying to say.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I want you Lynx. And you want me too. It's no fucking secret." She says with a slight smirk, slowly walking towards me.

"B-billie." I say, backing into the wall behind me, low key kind of scared of whatever is about to go down.

"Don't fight it." She whispers huskily, before grabbing my neck, hand pushing me back, Billie's lips attaching too mine.

Despite how sloppy it is, the kiss is definitely Billie. And that's what makes it so hard for me to stop this.

This is all I've wanted ever since I left America and who would I be too push it away?

Someone who respects other people.

Billie's drunk. She has no idea what she's doing. It's not her fault.

So, I push her away, both our breathing heavy as we look directly into the others eye.

"Stop." I whisper, a few tears coming too my eyes unexpectedly. "I can't do this."

Billies face stays blank, eyes staring into my soul as she takes a few steps forward.

"You don't mean that." She whispers, hot breath trickling down my neck as she bites the bottom of my ear. "You think I gave that whole speech for no reason? I want you babygirl. And I know better than to believe the feeling isn't mutual."

Unexpectedly, I feel her finger drag against the thin lining of my thong, making me moan a lot louder than I would like too admit.

"See." Billie smirks, kissing the side of my neck gently. "I told you."

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