-chapter 23-

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*billie's pov*

"Ew, I did not need to come back too my hotel room too see this gross shit." Finneas says, waking me and Liliana up, Lily fucking shooting up quicker than my eyes can register.

"Suck your Mum, Finneas." Lily groans sleepily, flipping my brother off.

A loud laughter comes from me and him, looking at Lily like a madman.

"That's the most British shit I've ever hearddddd." I howl, a soft, tired laugh coming from Lily.

"Stop bullying yeah, it's really not nice." Lily says, clearly referencing something I'm not familiar with.

"Anyways, you guys have too be up and ready in 30 minutes cause we have too get too a meeting, our management want to talk too us about something or other."

Lily sighs, rubbing her eyes and looking at the room tiredly.

"You know, I preferred it when you weren't famous." She groans.

"Me too."

We both start getting ready, Finneas leaving the room for something or other whilst Liliana does her makeup, her hand steady as she paints the eyeliner across her face.

"Do you put on makeup every morning?"

Listen, in not saying there's anything wrong with it, I just know that sometimes it can make you feel a little too pretty too the point you can't leave the house without it.

Lily has so much natural beauty and I'm afraid she doesn't recognize that.

"Pretty much." She says, nonchalantly. "Why?"

Hesitating on my answer slightly, I ponder how too word this without Lily taking this the wrong way.

"It's just, you're so beautiful without it, I don't see why you need too waste your time on money on that shit."

A faint smile flashes across her face, her eyes never leaving the mirror as she scans her face. I can so clearly see Liliana's thoughts on that moment, judging every aspect of herself, still not convinced by my words.

"I don't remember the last time I didn't put on makeup too go out. It's just part of me at this point. Makes me feel confident in myself."

With a mental sigh, I continue getting ready, my mind more drifting too thoughts if whatever the fuck this meeting could be about and how I've screwed up.


Softly humming in the background, the black limo smoothly drives along the road, all it's passengers in light conversation.

Why we needed a limousine too drive too a meeting, I have no clue.

"I'm so tired, last night has me worn out." Lily mumbles softly into my shoulder, eyes half closed as she speaks so only I can hear her.

"I didn't hear you complaining then." I smirk, still quiet as I feel Liliana shake her head jokingly into my shoulder.

"Shut up."

Even though I can't really see her face, I can just tell Lily is tired. Too he honest, the wave kind of hit her just as we walked out of my room so it's not that shocking.

"Come sit on my lap mamas, you should probably sleep before this meeting " I say, tapping her thigh gently and undoing her seatbelt.

"You're my favourite pillow anyways, could I like rent you out?" The girl sleepily murmurs, making me laugh.

Funny how much she probably doesn't realise I enjoy the experience probably more than her.

Only a couple of minutes pass before Lily's quiet snores echo in my right ear, her body limp on my lap.

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