-chapter 27-

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*billie's pov*

"That made me want too throw up." I say dismissively as we walk into Sully's car.

Me and Conan have just made our first public appearance and I have too say, I'm getting extremely suprised at how much the paparazzi has downgraded recently.

Like, aren't you not supposed too be obvious taking photos? And for fucks sake, tune down on the fucking flash. I swear I'm gonna go blind.

"Damn, am I really that vile?" He laughs, making me smirk slightly. I feel bad that i was harsh too him yesterday, he really is a good guy.
And a funny one at that.

"I'm fucking with you dude but I have a girl and even though I'm not, feels like I'm cheating on her." I laugh, clearly joking but it being funny too say anyways.

"So you guys are dating?" He asks interestedly, eyes widening.

Not saying anything, I blush, looking away from Conan in embarassment. I haven't technically told anyone yet, considering I've told them previously things were complicated but I don't know, I trust Conan.

Not that you know, I don't trust my family and friends or anything but I'm just scared of telling them and they something happening too mine and Liliana's relationship.

What I'm saying is I still have trust issues and I overthink everything like a little bitch.

"Y'all are too cute though, it's like you were made for each other."

Smiling, I look back up again at him, fidgeting with my fingers.

"You think?"

"For sure."


"Where's Liliana?" I ask, walking into my bus, Conan not following short behind us.

Mom, Dad and Finneas are all sat on their phones in the lounge area, soaking up the time we have before my show later.

Tour is something I have a love hate relationship with. It's a whole lot of work and emotional pain but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. And I'm forever grateful my family sticks it out with me.

"Your girlfriend's with mine, they went out shopping somewhere, I don't know." Finneas says, eyes widening once he realised what he said.

That little asswipe can never keep his mouth shut.

"Girlfriend?" My Mom asks, eyes shooting up too look at me, my Dad silently doing the same.

Behind me, I hear Conan quietly excuse himself from the situation too make for his bunk, leaving me alone in this mess.

I struggle for words, face heating up from embarassment. Lily and I haven't really talked about telling anyone about us so I don't know if I'm overstepping telling my parents who are probably the most important people in my life about our relationship with her absence.

"I mean, it was pretty obvious." My Dad says nonchalantly, getting up and walking over too the refrigerator, making Finneas laugh.

"Maybe too you." Mom says, furrowing her eyebrows. "So you and Lynx are dating?"

"I- uh." I stumble over my words, slightly pulling on the rings around my pinkie. "I guess?"

Too my suprise, my Mom smiles widely, getting up and giving me a hug.

"Honey, I'm so happy for you. Why didn't you tell us?" My Mom asks.

Well, I guess I've already dug my grave, might as well lie in it. However, when Lily comes back, I might actually be dead.

"It only happened yesterday plus we haven't really talked about telling you, I didn't know if she was ready for that or not."

"Wait, is that what Finneas was talking about when you guys came out of your bedroom after everything happened?"

My Mom is the sweetest angel in the entire planet but sometimes she can be so dumb I swear to god. Part of me hoped she actually understood what Finneas had said so we wouldn't be in this situation right now.

"She had hickies Maggie, pay more attention." My Dad's voice comes from the kitchen, my face flushing, if possible, an ever darker red.

"I'm out." I put my hands up and walk over too the back of the bus, sitting in what I like too call my spot.

I can hear my Mom taking too Dad but their words are muffled, however no doubt talking about me.

The back of the bus is my place because ever since I first started touring, I've always needed some way of getting downtime.

It can really be a lot so taking time too myself just too chill, sketch, maybe even get in some songwriting, is incredibly therapeutic for me.

Recently, I've been working on this one song called 'Halley's comet'.

For this song, I'm very definite on working on it myself. All of the other songs I've written about Lily have been with the help of my brother but most of which were just remembering things, singing about how much I wish things hadn't gone too shit or how much I wish I'd done x, y, z.

But now I'm in the moment I've always wished for. Didn't matter that we weren't technically dating when I first started writing this song, it's just that everything I felt was raw and fresh, me not having too reach too remember that feeling for she's now by my side.

The tricky thing for me is making it sound like I'm not a simp. And also the fact I'm singing this about a girl is pretty risky anyways.

I mean, the fans would have a field day.

"I've been loved before but right now but right now, in this moment." I sing,  sketching Lily in the top corner of the book. "I feel more and more like I was made for you."

Taking a second too process the lyrics, I smile too myself, writing the words down, pencil scratching against the paper.

"What you working on?" A voice comes from behind me, scaring me slightly.

"Just this song I'm writing about Lily. It's stupid but ion know, little bit cute." I blush, handing my book too Conan as he takes a seat next too me.

I don't trust many people with my notebook, I would defend it with my life but Conan, despite being older than me, is just a little frail songwriter like me. Plus, I need too start letting people in more. It's something I've been working on ever since highschool.

"This is so cute, but not to mention fucking amazing!" He gushes, handing back my lyrics. "I've never seen you write anything like this before."

Shrugging, I close the book, bringing my knees up too my chest.

"Mainly cause it's all me, words seem to come so naturally now I'm happy and finally have Liliana back in my life. She's like my mojo." I smile. "Anyways, what you working on at the moment? I know you write songs really quickly but I'm down too see some unreleased ones."

Conan shuffles around for his phone, pulling out his notes app and showing me an array of lyrics, song titles and concepts.

"Well, my album literally comes out next week, hence why my management jumped at the chance too get me more publicity but I have some more ideas.

"That coffee shop music video idea sounds bomb, will there be like fire?" I ask, pointing at the line and looking up and Conan.

"Nothing major, I don't have that big of a budget." He laughs. "I know you're like a millionaire or whatever the fuck but we are not all that lucky.*

"Man shut up." I laugh, leaning back in my chair.

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thinking about completely switching up the timeline of real life events

thoughts about the boom or chapter?

predictions for the future?

i love you guys so much and I think I'm going too make a third book so the chapters even out. maybe a fourth if I get a bit too wild, we will just see where I end up going

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