-chapter 24-

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*lynx's POV*

"IT'S NOT FAIR!" Billie yells, collapsing onto the sofa with her head in her hands.

For the past 30 minutes, Billie's been going on a rant about this whole PR boyfriend situation. My heart breaks for her but at the end of the day it is her label and she is obliged too go along with it.

"Billie, I fully support you but you're acting like a child." Her Mom says calmly, tired of arguing with her daughter.

I get that Billie's anger being a bit out of control technically isn't her fault but she should know how much it's impacting everyone else.

"Well, news flash, I still technically am one!" Billie yells angrily, teary eyes revealed as she takes her hand away from her eyes.

Straight away, I can tell these are a mixture of genuine sadness and anger. It's heart wrenching seeing how much she actually cares about something like this.

"Billie." I say softly, still tired but trying too keep it together for her sake. "You're 18. I get that this isn't exactly what you wanted but overall it's for the best. Your team wouldn't do anything too hurt you and it's their job too keep your career going."

Billie's face of despair suddenly shifts too one of anger and hurt, her guard completely down as her emotions shine so clearly is disorientating.


Billie's words kind of hit me in the face. The fact that her mood can change that quickly is scary too me. Reminds me of highschool.

Part of me knows she's not in the right headspace at the moment and she doesn't mean what she said but the other half can't help but take it too heart.

In conversation, anything on this sort of subject never comes up. She always blames herself despite it not even being her fault. I always believe it's mine but something about Billie not is reassuring. But the moment she agrees with me, it stuns me into silence, too much too handle.

The thought of hurting someone I love as much as Billie is sickening, so much I think I could throw up.

"Billie..." Finneas comes too my side, his tone one of shock as his eyes read nothing but disappointment, set on his sister.

Without another word, Billie walks out the room, fists balled and door slamming loudly closed behind her, the room completely silent.

Not even the slight whistle of breathing audible, just radio silence as everyone takes in the situation.

And before I know it, clear streams of salty tears run down my cheek, lip quivering as my hand become shaky.

It's only when a slight hiccough of a sob escapes my throat, that everyone's attention is alerted back too me, Claudia's face breaking as well as Maggie's as I curl myself up, eyes tightly shit as if that would stop my ever-growing sobs.

"Lynx.." Claudia whispers, climbing onto the sofa I'm on and bringing me into a hug.

I hear Maggie quietly whisper too Patrick that she's going too go and sort Billie out and too make sure I'm okay.

Claudia speaks softly as she comforts me, rubbing small circles into my hand just like Billie does which, if I'm being honest, only makes me sadder.

Finneas' phone goes off, the annoyingly repetitive tune gradually getting quieter as he walks out the room too take it.

I must have cried myself too sleep on Claudia, the last thing I remember is Fin coming back in the room and quietly informing Claudia that someone is arriving in about 3 hours and that we better brace ourselves.


Three loud knocks on the door wake me up, the sudden noise alerting me back into consciousness.

"Fuck." Finneas mumbles, getting up from the couch and walking over too the large oak door.

I have no idea where Maggie Patrick or Billie are but I think I'd rather not be near Billie right now anyways.

Honestly, as soon as things go the tiniest bit right for us, we have an argument.

"Who's that?" I ask sleepily, Claudia's eyes fixed on the door as if she knows exactly what's going down.

"That's Billie's new 'boyfriend'." She makes quote marks with her fingers as my eyes widen, climbing off Claudia as I wonder over too were Finneas is standing, the girl following straight after me.

As the door swings open, I can't help but let my jaw drop, the familiar face taking me completely by suprise.

"No way." I mumble, watching as Claudia slowly puts the puzzle pieces together.

A small but cute smile flashes across his face as he takes in the three people standing before him.

"Hi, I'm Conan. I got told that I should come too this room?"

Conan fucking Gray.

I don't think you understand just how much I love this kid dude, oh my god.

I say kid like he's younger than me. He's like 21.

"Hi, I'm Claudia and this is Finneas." Claudia greets him cheerily. "You're Conan Gray right?"

As much as I want too hate him right now despite it not being his fault he was sent here or anything, I just can't. He just radiates so much positive energy I can't.

"Yes sirrrrr."

"Dude I love you do much, you have no idea." I shake my head in disbelief, eyes still fixed on his face as though I don't really believe what I'm seeing.

"Think we all do." Claudia adds on, seemingly on the same boat as me.

In this moment, I forget the reason why he's actually here, really just momentarily starstruck.

"Are you here for Billie's PR?" Finneas asks, flattening the atmosphere of the room a bit.


"Yeah, sorry if that causes anything it's just what my manager said." He frowns, undoubtedly talking to me.

Regardless of the many time Billie has said she's not dating me, I feel like Conan knows better than that. He seems like the kind of person who's literally the dumbest fool in the world yet can read everyone's minds.

"Honestly it's fine, care too come in?" I ask, him nodding and following me into the hotel room.

"Where's Billie?" He asks interestedly, seeing no sign of her presence.

I grit my teeth as I reply, shocking myself  little bit over how easily mad and defensive I got.

"She's not here right now but she'll be back soon."

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idk what this is sorry

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