-chapter 2-

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I'm frozen in shock.

Unable to move, to speak - to do anything.

Last time I saw this girl she beat the fuck out of be for something she thought I did, letting that violent side of her that I knew so well shine through again.

Who knows what's going through her head right now?

I open my mouth, waiting for words to come out but they never do, only tears forming in my eyes - stupid, I know.

Billie's face in unreadable now, her eyes just scanning my facial features as we stand in silence, every part of me wanting nothing more than to scream and break down.

But I don't, I act like nerves aren't at an all time high right now.

"Billie come on, we got to start getting ready!" A familiar voice calls, walking into the room, unaware of the tension he was about to be caught in the middle of.

Finneas' eyes widen slightly as he catches sight of me from across the room, his mouth agape.

"Lynx?" He says, nervously looking from me to his sister. It's clear he's been told everything that happened.

But the pair are best friends. I wouldn't expect anything less.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, a slight smile in his face as he comes to his sister's side, Billie still staring at me in shock.

I know if I stay here any longer the waterworks will come pouring out and I am really not planning on embarrasing myself more than I already have.

"I-I-I can't do this, I'm sorry." I whisper, frantically running back out the room, tears blurring my vision of my surrounding as I run back down the corridor, not even caring where I'm supposed to be right now.

Everything is just white blobs, the floor seeming to slide from under my feet as they hit the ground, leading me to fuck knows where.

But suddenly, a hand grabs my arm, spinning me round and scaring the shit out of me.

For a second there, I thought it was Billie but even through my tears, I can see it's only Mortica.

"Are you okay Lynx?" She asks, her tone clearly concerned.

My breathings heavy and my eyes clearly tear filled so whatever excuse I try to come up with she'll be able to see right through. There's no point lying.

"Billie. Greenroom. Saw me." I pant out, my voice cracking.

Mortica is the only person I've ever told about my past with Billie. I swore to myself that I would put Bil behind me and never think about it but Mortica is my best friend - I couldn't hide something as big as this from her.

"Oh Lynx." She says quietly, pulling me into a hug, immediately understanding my very cryptic explanation.

This is exactly why we're best friends. She always knows exactly what I'm feeling and exactly what to do.

I completely let go, letting the hot tears spring from my eyes as I sob against her chest.

Honestly, I had no idea why Billie's sudden appearance is having this long of affect on me but it is. And it's scary as fuck.

"Do you want to go and sit down with me?" Mortica asks softly, arms still grasping me tightly to her chest.

"No.." I manage to splutter out in-between a sob, slightly wiping my eyes. "I've got to get to lights."

"Lynx there are plenty of people on this team, I'm sure you could take the night off. You seem like you really need it." She tries to convince me, rubbing my arm as I pull away, attempting to make my appearance look as similar to it was 10 minutes ago.

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