-chapter 16-

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*billie's POV*

"I can't believe I have to leave Lily AGAIN." I think out loud, stuffing yet another one of my tshirts back into it's suitcase.

"I know Billie, it's not fair but that's how fame works." My Mom replies with a sigh, wondering to my bed, hands full of essential oils, presumably too be packed.

Fame fucks up everything. I know I said that I liked it now or whatever the fuck in that Vanity Fair interview but everyone has too lie sometimes.

I don't want the fans thinking I'm really unhappy again. It was bad enough with that interview the other day that the fucking producers still decided too release, presumably to make a profit out of my breakdown.

"I just wish she could come with me. Lily is like the only thing that actually makes me so what happy at the moment." I sniff, trying not too get too emotional round everyone. Crying is so overrated I swear too god.

My Mom sighs again, looking almost confused.

"Billie, I don't get this obsession with Lynx. Okay, she was your ex-girlfriend in highschool - which by the way, I'm still a little offended that you didn't tell us - but thats in the past now Bil, you're not as attached to anyone else this much."

Finneas and Claudia share a look, my eyes starting too fill with tears. Fucking baby.

"Can you stop trying to physco-analyse everything I fucking say or do?" I ask harshly, putting down the clothes currently in my hands angrily.

"We're your parents Billie, and we know something is going on that you're not telling us." My Dad's voice comes, walking over to all of us.

"Is it those pictures? Because I don't get why you would still want-"

"I LIKE HER OKAY? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR?" I shout, small tears gliding down my face now.

With all the crying that's gone on in the past week I'm suprised I haven't shriveled up yet.

"I'm sorry that I'm in love with my ex and am totally fucked because my dumbass got drunk and probably screwed everything up. I never get drunk. And the only reason I fucking drank in the first place is because I missed her." I let out a small sob, collapsing onto my bed, head in my hands.

"Billie." My Mom whispers, walking over to me, enveloping me into a tight hug. "Why didn't you tell us?" She asks in a small whisper.

"Because me and Kai literally just broke up and Lily is a girl and......I just can't do anything with fucking cameras on me everywhere I go!" I choke out, leaning into my Mom's chest.

"Billie it's not your fault that you like her. There's no moral rule that you're not allowed to like someone a certain time period after you break up with someone." Fin says, coming to sit next to me.

He always tells me that. That 'it's not your choice who you like'. But even after the countless times it's been repeated to me, I still feel guilty.

"If you're really that attached to her, why don't you just ask her to come with you on tour?" Claudia asks, crouching down infront of me.

"Because." I sniff. "I already have. She told me that she can't afford to just drop her job and come on tour with me."

Finneas scoffs.

"I bet you didn't even bother to mention that she could literally work on out team and probably earn more than she currently is." He says, almost with a laugh.

"Even if I did, it's not like she would say yes. She's over me. I'm just a clingy bitch."

The room goes silent for a minute, everyone left to their own thoughts.

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