-chapter 17-

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*billies pov*

"Yo Billie if you don't wake up now we're going to miss our flight." Finneas says, resulting in another sleepy groan from me.

Four am flights can suck my literal dick I swear to god.

"Billie!" My brother snaps irratibably, his tone growing impatient.

I shoot up, my eyes still half closed as my head spins with iron deficiency.

"I'm up."

"Up my ass." Finneas mutters, finally leaving me alone as he goes to pack the last few crucial things for his suitcases.

"You wish." I shoot back, rubbing my eyes with a sigh as I get ready for the day, unwillingly drifting around the room, wanting nothing more than to not have to leave today.

Touring drives me insane dude.

"Did Mom pack the rest of my things?" I ask, realising that there's literally nothing left around my room for me too pack apart from the black joggers and hoodie I layed our for myself yesterday.

"No, I did and I notice no thank you." Finneas teases, even in my tired state, me still returning the smile.

"tHanK yOu."


I get changed into my minimal clothing, the car ride being nothing but silence at the rain slams against out window, really just justifying how fucking awful this day and the next couple of months will be.

At least.

We arrive at the airport, another 30 minutes till our flight leaves.

"I don't get why you're so sad. Lynx will show up." Claudia assures me, confident in this belief.

"Can we just not." I sigh, fingers rubbing my temples as I try not too stress over this situation.

Stressing too much over something will only make my reaction worse when it comes to the outcome. And I'm already sad enough as it is.

Liliana has always been there for me when she could. Always feeling like my mistakes we hers and any that even she couldn't twist into her mistakes, forgiving me regardless.

I always thought she was this perfect flawless person. In my eyes, she still is. But she's a flawless human and every human has their weaknesses.

I remeber that one day where I truly saw a side to her I never thought of see. My dumbass was so unaware of it as well. Completely unexpecting.

"Just because you're older than me doesn't mean you can't walk." I moan, tired of slowing down for Liliana.

Something has been off about her ever since I left her with Finneas and it's killing me not knowing what.

I swear to God if he said anything to her, my parents will only have one child by the end of tonight.

"Billie I don't think I can go any further." She says quietly, sitting down on the hillside in exhaustion. "I'm like really dizzy."

My emotion switches from annoyed to concern. She seems really worn out? What is up with her?

She hasn't been like this since-


"Lily have you eaten today?" I ask quietly, already knowing the answer.

She doesn't respond,making my stomach drop. How could I have let this happen?

She's been refusing food all day and I thought nothing off it. How the fuck could I be so stupid?

"Lily you promised." My voice breaks as I sit myself down next to her, not caring if I get anything on my expensive ass pants.

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