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His ashen grey eyes swept over the horizon where the sky met the gey blue waters of a river that stretched below. The sky was painted in streaks of red and orange. The faint outline of the moon was slowly becoming prominent. The afternoon breeze swept his smooth ebony hair away from his face and a slow steady sigh left his lips.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" 

The soft whisper brought his grey orbs to the girl beside him who stood watching the same sunset, a delicate smile upon her lips.

"It is," Jungkook affirmed as he looked back to the tranquil scene and the pair plunged into a long but companionable silence. Hours might have passed, they didn't know but there was something enthralling about the moment that they couldn't help but savor it to the very end. Finally, Rea broke the silence.

"Why did you want to meet me?"

It wasn't another moment before Jungkook wrenched his eyes away from the sun that had sunk into the river to her face. Breathing in a long breath, he spoke. "You are coming with me to somewhere this weekend."

"Where?" she questioned pursing her lips.

"It's a secret," he replied, that familiar smile playing on his lips that held the smallest hint of mischief. 

"You know, I hate secrets," she huffed out.

"Be patient then, my sweet," he replied, "Because if you wait, the secrets shall be eventually revealed." 

There was skepticism on her face as he continued, "And, remember that I had something to tell you?"

Rea nodded her head, urging him to go on. "I will reveal it to you on the way, how about that?"

"Why don't you just tell me now?"

"Because there's no fun in that," Jungkook replied airily. To her continued skepticism, he casually added, "It's a date."

That caused her heart to skip a beat and her eyes to widen. She quickly looked at him, trying to see if she had heard it wrong. Apparently, she hadn't.

"So dress up, okay? I'll pick you up at five," Jungkook informed, softly chuckling at her expression of astonishment. Rea still couldn't believe what she had heard, more like she refused to believe it. Because now, the secret he mentioned was apparent. It didn't take a genius to figure it out.

"And I'll tell you everything.

Jungkook gazed into her chocolate brown eyes.

"There will be no more secrets."


Earlier that day...

"Here's the way."

Rea walked up to the angel who was seated on her couch, patiently awaiting her explanation about what she had said the previous night, and held out a drawing of the vision she had got the previous night. Suga appeared grim as she handed him the paper. He gingerly took it from her hands and examined it, the slight tremor of his fingers betrayed his hidden excitement. If they finally have a way to break the curse, then they could end everything for once and all. Choker will be caught. The sufferings will end. Rea would finally have her peace of mind and Suga would ultimately complete his mission.

His deep brown orbs examined the picture she had carefully drawn on the paper. They squinted at the image as a slight furrow appeared on his forehead.

"You're supposed to break the curse with a ..." he trailed off uncertainly as he turned to Rea for her confirmation. Rea solemnly nodded her head. It was the way. It was the only way and it was clear crystal what she had to do. She had to kill him.

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