Tea with Angel

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The angel sat on her living room couch, legs crossed and elegantly taking a sip from the cup of steaming tea held in his hands. Rea sat across from him, hands clasped together as she observed the so-called angel with keen curious eyes. He was in fact doing the same thing but with an expression that remained stone, but his eyes spoke more than his words and they seemed to contain a hundred emotions Rea couldn't quite place a finger in. If she didn't know better, she would have almost thought that he looked... forlorn. 

When he realized that she was watching him, the expression was soon gone, replaced with his usual indifference. He took one last sip of the tea and placed the cup back in its saucer. With a final resigned sigh, he looked towards her.

Rea was still not sure whether she should trust the strange guy. The fact that he knew who Choker was and wasn't taking him down already when apparently he was a freaking angel was truly confusing. Oh, perhaps maybe he is not just powerful enough to take him down.

"I am more powerful than him. It's just even if I tried, I can't kill him." Suga defended, indignantly leaning forward as he looked at her mild annoyance etched in his features. The whole mind-reading power of his was a little hard to get used to, however, she tried her best to ignore it. She tilted her head. "Then what are you going to do?"

"We need to break his curse."


Rea furrowed her eyebrows confused.

"Yes... Choker was once a good Fae. He was the ruler of Adaira, the fae kingdom, but the curse of the evil Witch changed him. Just know that whatever he's doing it's not his doing. It's the curse."

"Why does it sound like you are defending him? Do you think a sorry excuse of a curse would erase what he had done? He killed people." She seethed.

Suga only nodded his head, but his eyes won't meet hers. A moment later he spoke up, "That's why I need your help, because there's only one person in the whole world that could break his curse, and that's you."

"And why is that?" She frowned, folding her hands.

"There was a prophecy from the tree of Oracle. It said, only you could break the curse." Suga explained as he maintained her gaze. Rea didn't know exactly how to feel. She wanted to know why she was the one who had to do it, but on second thought, she wanted it. If she could bring the one who killed Namjoon to his demise, she would be glad. If she could bring him pain, she would do it, because he deserved each and every second of it. That would be her gift to him, for killing her friend.

"So how do I do it?" She asked leaning forward. Suga gave her a blank, undecipherable look. Then he squeezed his eyes shut and said, "That's the problem. I don't know... and neither do you, am I right?" Rea shook her head, and even though his eyes were shut he seemed to sense it.

"There must be a way. You have to know something."

She shook her head once again. "I don't know anything. How would I know that?"

"How did you know about Andrea?" Rea froze. The dreams...

"Dreams. I see dreams but they feel so real... like I am reliving the past."

"That's it!" Suga said with certainty. "That must be it. There must be a clue in there. What have you seen so far?"

"I ha-"

Ding dong

The chime of the doorbell interrupted her before she could begin and she looked to the door. There was only one who would visit her at this time of the day and it was her neighbor. 

"It must be Jungkook. Wait, let me check..."

She walked up to the door and peeped through the peephole and sure enough, Jungkook was staring back at the hole, smiling and waving as if he knew she was looking at him. "It is Jungkook. What do you want me to-" Rea turned around to the cushion only to find that the angel had long disappeared from there. "Suga?"

She looked around the room but there was no sign of him. He was gone. How does he do that?  She wondered in awe before she turned back and opened the door. Jungkook greeted her with his usual warm bunny smile, "Rea~"

Rea returned the smile, "What's up?"

There was a certain shift in his smile but it was soon gone before she could even register it. Jungkook's eyes raked over her form slowly, grey eyes assessing her before it snapped back to her face. "You're fine." He whispered.


"I said, you look fine. Gorgeous. Were you going somewhere today?" Jungkook complimented gesturing towards her dress.

"Oh..." She replied quickly facing the other way as he got inside the room, mentally hoping that he had not seen the slight pink that dusted her face. "Not really."

What was wrong with her? Ever since that day, after he had asked her that weird question, she had been feeling strange and what was even stranger was that she quite liked it. 

"Did you have a guest?" Jungkook's question snapped her out of her thoughts. 

"G-guest? No..." She quickly lied. It wasn't that she wanted to lie. She just didn't know how to explain to someone that an actual angel was at her house just a few minutes before having a conversation with her over a cup of tea.

"Really? Then why do you have two cups of tea on your table?" 

Rea quickly whirled around to the table. She had forgotten to hide the cups. Turning back with a smile that she hoped appeared innocent, "It's mine. I was drinking from both the teacups... "

The words got stuck in her throat as soon as she had turned, for he was standing close to her. Too close for comfort. Slowly but surely, Jungkook leaned in towards her face the grey eyes of his shining with a foreign glow in it and Rea froze. She couldn't bring herself to move but stare into those deep pools of stormy grey that entranced her every single time. 

Jungkook bent down to her eye level. He never once blinked as he stared. He smiled.

"Are you lying to me?"

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