Shadows in Time

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Rea stared into his pale face. The same face that glowed like the moon, the same deep eyes that spoke a million words, and the same low voice... just as in her dream.

It was impossible. Suga couldn't be Yoonki. But he was...

It was all there, all along. The way he hesitated, the way his eyes always seemed to hold unspoken secrets. She should have expected it. 

Only one question remained. Why didn't he tell her?

Why didn't he mention that he was there? Why didn't he ever think that it was relevant enough? Because for Rea, it meant a lot. It meant a lot to know that he was part of her life that she had forgotten. To know that he was there with her and that she knew him. Apparently, the angel, once human, did not think it was significant. She wasn't going to lie. It disappointed her.

Suga was animatedly talking about various legends and stories he knew about V, the sorcerer, and was contemplating their options and places they could go in search of the only weapon that could defeat the evil but, for once, Rea wasn't listening.

Another five minutes passed before he had finally noticed her inattentiveness and let out a displeased sigh. "Okay, what's wrong?"

Should I ask him about it? Or should I not?

"Ask me what?" He asked suddenly, tilting his head curiously. It gave her quite a surprise. She had briefly forgotten the fact that he could read minds. But he would never answer. There's no point.

"Of course, I wouldn't answer if you never asked," he replied, eyes narrowed suspiciously at her. She stared at him for what felt like an hour until she shook her head and thought against it. No. Not now.

"You said Andrea was a Queen."

He raised his eyebrows at her random inquiry. It was more than obvious what she was up to but he decided to play along. "Yes."

"A shaman once told me the same thing. I thought he was a scammer in the beginning but come to think of it, everything he said was eerily true..."

Suga's face relaxed as recognition dawned on his eyes. "Shaman...yeah, he is no Shaman. It's Jimin, that darned Angel of Time."

"A what?"

"An Angel of Time," he repeated. "I told him to not get involved in my business.'

"So..." Rea drawled amazed at the newfound discovery. "He was an angel? You know him?"

Suga looked positively mortified at thought of it. "Well... he is an - er - acquaintance."



Rea wasn't expecting a shrill voice to join her at the exact same moment with much more indignation and incredulity from beside her on the sofa. 

"I thought we were soul mates, Yoongi! How could you? After all the time we spent together? After all those nights!"

. . .


The sudden appearance of a being to her immediate left quickly set of her terrified scream and sent her flying to Yoongi who was sitting a few distances apart. 

"Stop making it sound weird-Ow! Gerrof!" 

Suga yelled as her arms squished him against the side of her furniture, robbing him of his breath and he gave her a not so gentle push that made her fall of the side.


"Sorry," he muttered quite unapologetically. She turned to the newcomer and gasped. "You're the Shaman?!"

The alleged Angel of Time flashed her charming grin with a sweeping bow making his voice misty and deep as before. "Angel Christian Jay at your service."

Suga snorted. "Christian Jay? What a lame angel name."

"Hey! Queen Yama chose my name, I had no say in it." He cried indignantly at Suga who shrugged. "Queen Yama chooses names you valued as a human."

"Oh, is that so, Suga?" Jimin hissed. "Wasn't 'Suga' the name that you used to flirt with girls? You must have valued flirting very much, huh?"

"Suga used to flirt?" Rea who had finally snapped out of her initial shock asked incredulously. She could not imagine the cold, seemingly emotionless angel ever participating in anything that was remotely flirtatious. Jimin's grin widened.

"Of course! Don't you remember? He was the ultimate playboy in his time!" 

Suga's face was beginning to flame and it seemed as if he'd explode any second but Jimin paid no heed. Scooting a little forward so that he was closer to the girl on the floor, eyes sparkling evilly, he continued, "He had a whole fandom just for him, you see? Girls used to love his 'pale as a moon' complexion. He loved the attention, always strutting around with his little golden harp and flaunting about his royal musician status-"

"CUT IT OUT!" Suga burst out finally, provoking an incredibly tinkling high-pitched laughter from the latter but Rea's mind had tuned out from the conversation long before.

"Of course! Don't you remember?"

Don't you remember? What did Jimin mean by that? Was she supposed to know all that? Did she know?

"What are you doing here, Jimin?" The formal angel asked his voice dangerously low and threatening. Jimin remained unfazed.

"What are you doing, Suga?" Jimin's grin faded, a grave light suddenly shining from his eyes. "Why aren't you doing your job? The time is ticking. People are getting hurt. She needs to remember!"

"She-" Suga began firmly but his voice lost its firmness halfway through and his head lowered, his countenance shrinking like he was in pain. "She is not ready." He whispered.

Rea looked up at the sudden tension in the atmosphere. 

"But she has to! You know that." Jimin pressed sympathetically. 

"Jimin, I-" he breathed in a long breath before he chanced a brief glance at her and looked back to the angel hesitantly begging with his eyes for him to understand. Rea had never seen the angel like that before. It only served to arouse her curiosity and concern for her past. 

"Fine," Jimin said. "If you can't do it, I'll do it for you."

Turning to look at Rea, Jimin held out his hand to her smiling reassuringly.

"Rea, let me take you to your past."

Rea didn't hesitate. She took his hand.


A/n: Nothing, I repeat, nothing was holding me back from naming Jimin, Angel Lachimolala.

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