Angel's song

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Rea marched up the lane to his home, the V's dagger clutched in her hands.

Her eyes were unwavering as it stared straight up at the silhouette of a house she knew all too well. Her nails dug into her palms and drew blood. Memories flashed through her mind. All the memories of the time they spend together and the time they enjoyed each other's presence came to her and her fury rose. It was all a lie!

He was a f**king liar!

She should have never believed him. She should have listened to the dreams. She should have never let him anywhere near N.J. She had been so blind. He was a trickster. A betrayer.

A murderer. 

"REA!" Suga appeared just in time to catch her before she entered the property. Whirling her around so that she faced him, Suga spoke. "Rea, please! I knew you would do this- " he wheezed. Taking hold of her hand before she could protest, he disappeared from the lane with her. Without and moment's delay, they reappeared somewhere desolate.

"SUGA, HOW DARE YOU-- TAKE ME BACK! I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!" She yelled, wrenching her hand away from his grip. "Take me back, Suga! Let me do it! Let me end him!"

"Rea please! Calm down." He tried to calm her but it only elevated her rage even more.

"Calm down? Calm down? Suga how can you say that? He killed my friend! He took innocent lives! And all this time I--" she couldn't hold it anymore. Tears flowed down, the anger the betrayal, and the sadness taking hold of her. She collapsed to the ground, her sobs turning to wails. How could she? How could she have ever trusted him?

Suga crouched down, placing a gentle hand on her shoulders. "I knew this would happen. This is why I didn't tell you."

"You knew." Her tone was laced in pure venom as her cold dark gaze found him. "You knew this the whole time and you didn't tell me. You let me trust him when he was a murderer! How could you?!" She cried and the boiling hot tears spilled from her eyes. "How could you... he killed him! gone because- because of him, and many more! How could you protect him like that?"

"Rea," Yoonki tried to talk, his eyes pained, " I wasn't trying to protect him. I was trying to protect you."

"You could have told me!"

"You wouldn't have handled it." He said.

"So?" she hissed, "So, you let him play with me. You let me get played this whole time?"

"Rea, I'm sorry." Yoonki breathed, guilt and pain wavering his tone. "I'm really sorry. I wasn't strong. I wasn't strong enough to tell you..."

"Yoonki," she sobbed, clutching her palm against her heart. The mid-day sun shone down on them brighter than ever and the scorching heat of it was burning her skin but she didn't care. She couldn't care less. All she wanted to do was to let go of this horrific reality. To close her eyes to it and escape somewhere where she could find some peace because reality was scary. It was always scary...

But no. This wasn't the time to run away. This was time to face him. To end him. To finish what she began. Rea wiped her tears. It didn't matter who he was. In the end, he killed her friend and she'll kill him. That's all there was to it.

Suga sensed her sudden resolve from the way her shoulders tensed and he sighed, "Rea."

"Take me home, Suga. It's time to end it. This was our plan from the beginning. We should finish it today."

"Rea we can't do that. Not now." He began, trying to explain.

"Why not? I have the V's dagger here with me. I have the weapon. I know the killer. There's only one thing left for me to do."  

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