Hauntings of the Past

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"Do it."  The blue haired man hissed from behind me.

"I- I can't."  Reasoning with him would certainly be in vain.

"Yes you can, this is what I raised you to do.  This is what you were meant for..."  He pauses.  "This will open the doors to everything you are capable of.  Show me what you can do!"

"But, Father-"  He cuts me off.

"No buts.  I want you to kill this man.  This man who murdered your real parents, the man who made you an orphan, the man that ruined your life.  Kill him."  He points to the man laying on the floor with a cloth bag over his head.

I stare.

"Kill.  Him."  He growls.

I look up to the man who found me wondering Sinnoh.  The man who took me in and raised me since I was seven.  The man who said he loved me when I remembered that day.  The man I call my father.

And now, he's a monster.

I gather up every ounce of courage I have (along with defiance for this case) and I stand up for myself.


"What did you just say to me?" His face grows angry and his eyes burn with not only impatience from a moment ago, but hatred as well.  It's surprising how much of a response I get from only one small word.

I repeat what I had just said.  "I said... No."

He growls and slaps me across the face.  

"Then you are worth nothing to me."  He states plainly, turning around to shove a knife through the murderer's chest, then turning back to face me.  "Get out."


"I groomed you for success your whole life.  We were going to create this new world together, you at my side.  We would rule.  And look at you now," he circles me like a vulture, "you've gone soft.  I've always known you had that bit of good inside you, that good that was tugging at your heart telling you what was right and what was wrong.  I thought I could turn your sadness over your parent's deaths into anger that you could use toward this horrible world.  That we could burn this world, and out of the ashes would be a new world... a better one.  But now, I see."

I hesitate before asking.  "What do you see?"

"I SEE THAT YOU ARE A WORTHLESS CHILD!  A WORTHLESS BEING, WALKING THIS PLANET.  YOU'RE AS USELESS AS IT GETS!"  He turns away, facing the dead man.  "I never want to see your face again.  Grab what you can carry and leave.  If you're still here after an hour, I will have you killed, now get out of my sight."

I close my eyes, holding back tears.  I'm an orphan again.

I open my eyes, touching my face with my hand, feeling that I do in fact have tears in my eyes.  

I glance at the clock, sitting on my nightstand.  2:42, it says.  Fantastic.  Now I'm really going to be able to go back to sleep after that.

Thankfully, I'm tired enough that my eyes begin to slowly shut, and I'm out once again.

Thankfully, this dream is better.

After I had left my home at the Team Galactic headquaters, I traveled back to where my life began, Johto.

I was fourteen at this point.

Ahh, the sweet Johto air.  I don't exactly remember it... I don't even remember my real name.  I can only remember the name that Cyrus had given me:  Venus.

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