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"Yo! Grumpy-pants!" Nino waved from his seat at the table he picked. Felix scowled at the sight of him and reluctantly made his way over. 

They were in a restaurant Marinette recommended and it was currently lunchtime. Felix tried to protest leaving her to go meet up with the boisterous vermin, but Marinette was persistent and even went as far as pushing him out of the school doors. 

Now, here he was. Eating lunch with an ill-mannered delinquent. Felix wondered how Marinette even found this horror of a human being in the first place. 

"C'mon, Grumpy. Stop it with the frowny face," Nino said, grinning as he pointed his fork at him. "You're spoiling my salad."

"I wouldn't be frowning if you never existed," Felix replied, glaring pointedly at the other teenager. 

Nino made a gesture where he put his hand above his chest and in mock pain, he replied, "harsh, dude." 

"How does Marinette put up with you," Felix muttered, slicing a piece of his lunch and shoving it into his mouth. 

Nino's chuckle only annoyed him more. "I could say the same thing with you," Nino commented, pushing pieces away from his salad and then eating a piece of it. 

There was silence between the two in which neither really wanted to break it. Either they were too lazy or too annoyed with each other to really say anything. 

Nino sighed, and put down his fork. His face is void with emotion as he examined the boy and took a closer look at his physical attributes. He was good-looking, not gonna lie, but he wondered how Marinette could attract such an angry soul. From the short time he has seen him, Felix only frowned and his shoulders were always stiff, always on guard. The stories Marinette told of him about this guy seems far-off now meeting him in person. 

Marinette told him how he seems so distant to other people and prefers silence rather than conversation. That would explain his dislike towards him. She also told him how he had so many shells that it would almost be impossible to really get to know him. People would only get to know him if he let them in. And he let Marinette in. 

"I gotta thank you, dude," Nino said, much to the confusion of the blond. Nino could only grin as Felix blinked owlishly at him, being caught off-guard by the words that left Nino's mouth. Marinette was right, he is cute.

"For what?" Felix asked, recovering from his previous state and returning back to his stoic expression. 

Nino made Felix wait as he ate a piece of his salad until he finally replied, "for taking care of Marinette." Nino glanced at Felix and amusement took over him as he saw Felix imitate an owl again. He continued, "I didn't want to leave her when I realized she was going to be trapped in a classroom with no one to back her up. But she's a strong girl and she wanted me to achieve my dreams of becoming a producer/DJ. When I first heard of this rich kid who keeps trying to give her gifts, I thought I should go back here and punch you so I'll teach you not to mess with my Marinette."

The shocked face of Felix was comical. But then it morphed into boredom, much to Nino's disappointment. "What I'm trying to say is, thanks for having Marinette's back."

Felix's face was still blank for a few moments until his lips broke into a small smile. He chuckled, and damn. No wonder Marinette liked him, even his laugh was handsome. "Of course, I would," Felix said, "it was either her or the liar."

"Oh, you do not want to get involved with her. Believe me, from personal experiences." 

"Oh, I would never dream of such a thing."

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