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Felix waited in Marinette's room. He was sent there after he fixed up Marinette the best he could because there weren't that many supplies, to begin with. Marinette's parents welcomed him with open arms and sheltered him through the Akuma attack of Mouse Prince. They were hospitable hosts and the Dupain-Chengs already loved the young man.

While he was chatting with Marinette's father, he got sent a text. It was from an unknown number, although he might have a guess on who it might be from. "Go to my room. I'll meet you there."

Felix pocketed his phone and smiled politely at Marinette's parents. "Excuse me, do you mind if I go to Marinette's room? She requests me to get something there," he asked. 

"Sure, son!" Tom said, patting his giant hand on Felix's back. Felix grunted from the impact, but there was no harm done. Felix nodded and was lead by Sabine up to Marinette's room. 

When he entered, he was indeed surprised by the interior. It was all pink. So much pink, it almost hurt his eyes. Felix sat on the swivel chair and looked around, trying to spot something that isn't pink. 

He didn't know what he was looking for, but his eyes landed on something he considered peculiar. He walked towards it and gently pulled it by its string, careful not to break it in case it was fragile. 

It was just a simple charm, really. Colorful beads are sewn together with a pink string. He didn't know what it was for, but he was curious to know its purpose. 

The thump on the roof told Felix he'll satisfy himself with answers soon enough.

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