Chat Noir

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"M'Lady, are you alright?" Chat Noir asked as he took careful steps towards the red-suited lady. 

No, Ladybug was not alright. She was assigned a buttload of projects from her teacher, had a deadline for a dress tomorrow, and sprained her ankle in school thanks to Lila and her gang and when she fell on the ground, she landed on a wire and bucket of ice-cold water soaked her from head to toe. She was the laughingstock of the entire school. And Felix saw all of that. She didn't remember how but the court became quiet and Felix was at her side with a towel in a blink of an eye, glaring at the students who were recording upstairs. She was grateful, but now, Felix would get tied up in her mess. 

Ladybug sighed. "Yes, I'm fine," she replied, straightening her posture, resisting to wince at the weight being put on her sprained ankle. The akuma was rough and managed to make her shoulder sore too. 

"Are you sure, Ladybug?" Chat asked again. 

Ladybug sighed and smiled tiredly at her partner. She really has to stop making people worried about her so much. "I'm fine, kitty." She swung her yoyo, but before she could leave, she scratched the bottom of Chat Noir's cheek, making him pure at the touch. "I'll see you later." And, she was off. 

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