After Lunch

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Felix came back after lunch and hurried to the classroom. It was only a few minutes before class would start and he needed to check on Marinette. Who knows what happened to her while he was gone? 

Felix entered the classroom and his eyes glanced up to see Marinette smiling and unscathed. He was relieved nothing had harmed her, but his eyes narrowed when the familiar red-headed boy sat in his place

He recalled that boy to be the akumatized "Mouse Prince" that caused Marinette to be injured as Ladybug and had to be stitched up. Marinette was fine after the Miraculous Ladybugs flew across Paris, but Felix knew that more of her mentality had been lost, like a small but important puzzle piece. 

He strolled upward and put his hand on the table and glared at the boy. The young man was quick to move away with a quiet, "excuse me," and scrambled down to the front of the class where he took out a sketchbook and began to do whatever. 

Felix looked at Marinette, waiting for her to answer, but she only smiled. "His name is Nathaniel," she said. 

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