Chapter One - Strange Sleep

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This is my first story, I guess you could say, I may continue it but I may not. Hope you enjoy this first part


   I had always been the quiet one, the one that nobody really talked to. The freak, you may say. Nobody liked my style of clothing, found it strange that I own a horse and that I never had a girlfriend before. They didn't know my secrets though... they didn't know what I went through. The world that we know of may never know what I have been through...

   It all started when I was just a little boy, only 10 years old. I was sleeping peacefully in my warm, comfy bed, having a sweet dream about how nice my life was now. Although I was still considered strange for the odd birthmark on my left hand, I was still a happy-go-lucky normal boy. As I was sleeping, I felt dizzy for some unknown reason, but I ignored it. I was always having dreams about a man with red hair and a dark-toned body, and about a beautiful girl who was shouting at me... I didn't know what m dreams meant, but I always felt dizzy beforehand. However, this dizziness wasn't regular, it was somewhat stronger and felt more.. real.

-Seven Years Ago-

   As I was sleeping, I was suddenly uncomfortable. My bed felt hard underneath me, and my pillow didn't seem as soft. My blanket wasn't there either, although I didn't mind. It was strangely humid in my room, and everything smelled of trees. Usually, I wake up to the sound of birds, and my foster mother yelling at me to eat breakfast. Yes, I was adopted, I didn't know who my real parents were, but I didn't mind. My foster parents were extremely kind to me and accepted all my oddities.Then I would get up and get myself ready for school, pack up all my stuff and put on my school clothes. This morning was different, however.

   The sound of tinkling met my ears, and children chattering about outside. Usually, children don't go out and play in the morning, as they all have school. The tinkling sound was strong, as if a million twinking bugs were playing their music. I groaned, not wanting to get up, and rolled over. A breeze caressed my face. I thought this as strange, as I never had a window right beside my bed before, so I just assumed it was air conditioning, as I didn't want to get up just yet.

   As I was about to doze off again, I heard the twinkling sound get louder and louder outside my window. I casually ignored it, as I didn't have a window in my room either way, and assumed no strange bugs would find their way inside. Suddenly, I felt a softness against my bare arms. I usually slept in long sleeved pyjamas and pants, and wondered why my arms, and legs, for that matter, felt bare. I stretched, finally deciding to get up... but my feet felt heavy. I wiggled them around, and realized that they were in boots. This was one strange morning, and I couldn't figure out what was going on, as I was still half-asleep. Maybe it was a dream.... I pinched myself to check, but of course, it was as real as real life could get. I decided to see what other things were changed about my clothing, and I noticed I was wearing a hat, a sash and a belt. It felt like I was in a boy scouts' uniform, I was thouroughly confused.

   I relaxed my body once more, and fell back down to sleep. As soon as I did, I felt the softness on my arm again, stronger this time. I heard tinkling, and the faint voice of a girl, I assumed. I couldn't really tell what she was saying, it sounded like something from another country, but soon enough I could make out the words. I could only make out the last part, however, which was "could the future of Hyrule really depend on such a lazy boy?"

   Hyrule.. future... me... lazy? What? What was this.. girl... talking about? I decided to get up to see who was talking to me, what they were talking about, and why they just called me lazy. I sat up in my bed, which was about equal to sitting up in a chair. This was truely not my bed anymore, unless the matress somehow got removed from underneath me as I slept. I groggily looked around and examined my surroundings. I was definitely not in my own world anymore.

   Around me was a completely different.. house? It was more like a tree trunk. I felt like a squirrel, just imagining that. However, there was furniture in this strange house. There was a table, some desks, stumps for chairs, I assumed. And of course, my... bed? I looked what I was sitting on, and sure enough, it was a wooden bed, with a white sheet over it with a pillow. How did I get to this strnage place? The smell of trees was almost overwhelming.

   Suddenly, a bright light flashed in front of my eyes, and dimmed again. Then it came back, and it went away. As my pupils tried to keep up with the changing lights, the bright flashes suddenly stopped coming. I looked around to see the strangest thing... a floating ball of light with wings. She spoke to me, telling me something about a... Great Deku tree? What was this world?

   She spoke in a slightly annoying tone, and I knew that it was the type of voice to get on your nerves, but I didn't say anything. This strange creature kept speaking to me, and urging me to get up and follow her. I was just sitting there, confused.

   "You're the HERO of HYRULE! Come on! The Great Deku Tree is waiting!" She shouted at me in a tinkling voice.

   I tried to speak, but nothing came out. She kept talking to me, telling me to get up and go see the tree. I didn't understand what she meant by "seeing" a tree, but I got up to make her stop shouting at me. As I got up, I felt a load on my shoulders. The sash was heavier than I thought.. and as I looked down to examine myself, I realized I was wearing some sort of green outfit. WIth boots and a belt.

   This was truely the oddest outfit that I had ever worn, but I decided to go with it. The ball of light asked me for my name, and although I didn't reply verbally, she knew my name instantly. Link. She spoke again.

   "I'm Navi the fairy! The Great Deku Tree asked me to be your partner from now on! Nice to meet you!" she happily told me.

   So, this strange creature was called Navi. She bounced around me in the air a few more times, making motions towards the curtained open door. I sighed, and, still tired, got up and made my way over to the door.

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