The Love Potion - The Wiccan Leader

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“Swear……. You know your word is your bond.” Stephan said. His voice reeked of excitement.

“I swear.” Zoë answered. “Now get out of my way so I can finish my spell.”

I opened my eyes and saw Zoë approaching us, her minions’ followed close by, when had they joined us I wondered. She untied me from the chair, picked me up and dragged me by the hair outside.

“You really shouldn’t mess with Stephan he has a short temper.” She hissed at me as we walked outside towards the woods.

“Zoë I heard you found a couple, why don’t you share them with us.”

At first I didn’t see who was talking, but there was a sudden clap of thunder and at least 15 people appeared out of thin air.

Zoë’s minion growled loudly. “I heard you guys would be coming to this town I didn’t think it would be so soon.” Zoë said looking at them.

 I didn’t know exactly what was happening but the way they were glaring at each other it looked like they were going to fight. My suspicions were confirmed when Zoë threw me aside, out of the way, she and her minions launched forward at the new people who had showed up.

I heard Stephan shout her name, and then blue, green and black smoke was shooting everywhere, one hit some of Zoë’s minions and they burst like grapes, from there on I thought it would be wise to duck behind some of the trees and watch from a safe distance. I crawled on the ground until I found a tree to hide behind. I took in a deep breath and tried to relax but it was impossible with the world war 6 happening a few steps away me.

“Hey.” Kevin muttered behind me.

“Oh God Kevin is this never going to end.” I asked him.

“I don’t know.” He said coming to sit beside me.

“We need to run.” I told him, this place seemed familiar, I think I had been here before but couldn’t I remember. The sooner I figured it out the faster I could get us out of here.

“Do you know where we are?” Kevin asked.

“WHERE’S CHRISTINA AND KEVIN.” Zoë yelled suddenly.

Kevin and I stared at each and then took off, somehow we ended up separating and going in different directions ,I don’t how it happened I looked behind me and saw him running in another direction, what the hell was wrong with him, we were supposed to stick together, that way we could fight them off.

I couldn’t stop and go after him because I saw Zoë’s minions coming towards me, I run deep and further into the woods like the devil was after me, I didn’t even stop when I felt a throbbing pain in my ribs, or even when my legs wanted to collapse, I just run like hell.

I must have run half the night before I came across a highway, I went to stand in the middle of the road, several cars swerved by me without stopping despite all my pleas, I guess they didn’t want to pick up a stranger.

I saw a big blue truck approaching and went to stand right in front of it determined to get this one to help me before Zoë’s minions caught up with me, the truck screeched loudly and stopped.

“Jeez lady are you trying to get killed.” The truck driver screamed.

“Please sir help me please, someone is after me.’ I said looking behind me nervously.

He looked my forehead where I was bleeding and nodded. ‘Sure sure get in.” He offered, I jumped in. “Thank you so much.” I said when we were on our way.

“Sure no problem….by the way my name is Sal….what’s yours.”

“Christina.” I said and sank into the seat.

“Christina do you want me to call the cops or something.” Sal asked.

“Er…. I just need to find my dad and he’ll take care of it.” I said, how were the cops going to fix this for me, we were talking about the supernatural, what I needed now were Sam and Dean Winchester, but they were just characters in a movie so….

“Ok.” Sal said.

As we drove I realized that it was about time I moved to my second plan since the first one had buckled and almost gotten me and Kevin killed.

I needed to move to plan B, see I somehow suspected Sinus might not help me so I had sketched up another plan and right now I needed to act on it before Zoë found me.

Plan B, yeah Zoë wouldn’t see that one coming; I grinned widely and settled into the chair more comfortably.

                                            To be continued……………………………..

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