The Oblivious Werepuppy

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Everyone could see it, Theo and Liam were oblivious. They were head over heels in love with each other but they were too busy hiding that from the other, that they didn't see it. Theo was completely and utterly in love with Liam, and Liam was completely and utterly in love with Theo.

The whole pack was good with Theo, as they welcomed him into the pack with open arms and warm hugs, making sure Theo knew that they trust him and are grateful for him. The pack was happy for the two, except they weren't even together yet. They were always in a daze when they were together. Whenever they're not around and it's the rest of the pack, they always gossip and talk about how they are always suffocating on Thiam's (as Mason and Corey call it, they made up the 'ship' name) sexual tension and they can never make eye contact with either of them because they are always too busy eye-fucking to realize somebody else is talking to them. They are always in their own little world.

It all started on a Friday afternoon, exactly 1 week away from senior prom. Theo and Liam were in the game room playing against each other in Super Smash Bros when all of a sudden Theo asks "how do you ask someone to prom?" Liam's heart immediately skipped a beat. He could feel the blood in his veins rushing to colour his cheeks rosy and his ears red. He had to pause the game so that Theo wouldn't automatically destroy him, due to his current inability to function properly.

"What?" He finally manages to squeak out after a long moment of silence.

"I said how do you ask someone to prom?" Theo continued. "I'm not exactly familiar with normal high school things since I lived underground with the Dread Doctors for the majority of my life. Any advice?" Theo sits there completely calm, totally unbothered. His heart isn't stuttering, his muscles are completely relaxed, almost as if he didn't just blindside his current roommate with the question.

Liam takes a moment (or a few) to gather himself and calm down before answering by asking other questions. "Who is the lucky girl? And why have I never heard about you even talking to anyone? I thought we told each other everything, you betrayed me." Liam looks at Theo with his infamous puppy eyes. Liam's feelings towards the Chimera are pretty obvious to everyone -except the Chimera apparently.

"Calm down pup, I didn't think it was that important that I was going to ask someone to prom. Also, it's not a girl, I'm gay, Liam, I haven't told anyone else that. You're the first to know." he answers with a shy smile that makes Liam's heart skip and stutter a few more times. He was too focused on listening to his own heartbeat and admiring the shy smile on the other teen's face to hear Theo's comment about being gay. "Do you have a date to prom yet?" Theo asks nervously. Liam can tell Theo is nervous because he is fidgeting with his hoodie strings while avoiding all eye contact with the werewolf -or werepuppy as Theo nicknamed him.

"No, well I... I haven't... I don't..." he starts to stutter while trying to give an answer.

"You haven't asked someone yet? You don't have a date? Really Li? I thought by the way everyone has been all over you recently that you'd at least have 20 people willing to go with you. Boys and girls, one would only dream" Theo replies mockingly, trying to hide his nerves. Just then, he flinched, getting shocked by the next thing that Liam does.

"THAT'S THE THING!" He spits out angrily before getting up and starting towards the door, to head to his own room. "I don't want to go with anyone. I want to go with you, but then you asked about asking someone to prom and I got all nervous and defensive because I thought you were gonna ask someone else and I just didn't want to get hurt because I've been hopelessly in love with you since before I pulled you back from Hell. Do you have any idea how hard those three months were for me?" He paused for a moment to choke back a sob. If he started crying now, then he would never stop because of how bad he felt for the chimera in front of him. He waited a couple of seconds, with his chest heaving, taking shallow breaths before continuing.

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