Chapter 40: Brave Face

Start from the beginning

"You look like you've lost your way.  Can I help you find it?"  He smiled, and Yachi found that the hair on the back of her neck was prickling.  

"N-n-n-no, thank you, I'm fine.  I...I'm meeting a friend..."

"But a young lady like yourself shouldn't be alone in a crowd like this," his eyes were fixed on hers as he took a step towards her, "I'll make sure no one else bothers you, I promise."

Yachi began to shake, feeling the fear she felt at his innocent-sounding yet somehow innuendo-laced words begin to claw at her throat.  He's gonna hurt me, I just know it, she thought.  Then, a voice from deep inside her rang in her head.  Then stop him!  Pull away!  Yell!  Do something!  Be like Nakano!  

"I said NO!" Yachi screamed, yanking her arm away from the boy.  She stumbled back a few steps, her sudden burst of courage all but gone.  "G-get away from me, p-please!"

His features turned suddenly hard and cold as she yanked herself from him, then softened again as he stepped in her direction.  "Hey, I'm just trying to help you out here.  Let me walk you to wherever you're meeting your friend."  He reached out to take her arm again.

"She said no.  And as I've already found her, you can just go on about your own business."  Tadashi's voice was firm.  Yachi breathed deeply, stepping back and letting herself rest a little against the pinch server.

The boy stepped back.  "Hey man, I wasn't trying anything.  Just wanted to make sure she was okay.  Crazy little thing got all weird about it..." he muttered as he slipped away into the crowd.  

Yamaguchi let out a breath, sagging a little.  "Oh wow, I am so sorry Yachi!  Are you okay?"

"Y-y-yeah.  Thanks for coming to rescue me!"  She looked at him, and then looked down.  "I don't know why, but he gave me the weirdest feeling.  I...he didn't really say anything all that bad, but..."

"I think your feeling was spot on," Yamaguchi said, "I don't think he had good intentions at all.  And I hardly rescued you.  You did that yourself."

She barked out a harsh laugh.  "I guess I put on a brave face, but I wasn't feeling very brave.  If you hadn't come when you did, I...I..."

He patted the girl's shoulder.  "It wasn't just a brave face, Yachi.  I saw you.  You really were brave, even if you were feeling scared at the time.  Isn't that what being brave is all about?  Doing what you have to, even though you're scared?"

Yachi looked at the object of her affections, her eyes wide.  Does he really think I'm brave, she wondered.  If that's what he thinks brave is...  Her thoughts came bubbling out of her mouth.  "Then you're brave too!  You did your serves even when you were scared!  Over and over again!  And they were awesome!"  She realized she was bouncing up and down on her feet again, and tried to settle herself.  "So...maybe...we're both brave?"

Yamaguchi's eyes widened as well.  Why do I feel somehow lighter, just because she thinks I'm brave, he wondered.  "Yeah," he said, grinning a little sheepishly, "I guess we are pretty brave."  He couldn't stop the red flush creeping across his face.  "Let's go get that milk tea boba," he said, reaching out his hand towards hers, "and since I don't want to lose you in the crowd again, can I..."

She looked him straight in the eyes as she put her hand in his.  "Yes," she said, her voice strong and steady.  "Let's go."


Tsukishima lay in his darkened bedroom, alone in his bed.  It never felt right anymore.  The sheets felt somehow less comfortable, and vaguely cold.  His pillows were...weird.  Either too flat, or too lumpy, or smelling vaguely of detergent that irritated his nose.  His blankets were too warm, or not warm enough.  Nothing he did, no position, was comfortable, no matter how hard he tried.

His Warrior Queen: A Haikyuu!! Novel (Tsukishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now