Chapter 55: All My Secrets

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*Maria's POV*

"I know I don't deserve you, and I know I could never give you everything you do deserve. But would you give me the honor of staying by your side for the rest of our lives? Maria Elena Ballard, will you marry me?"

My right hand flew to my mouth as I muffled a sob. I nodded my head and cried out, "Yes! Oh my God, yes!"

He slipped the engagement ring onto my left ring finger, then pulled it up to his lips and kissed the back of my hand. I pulled my hand from his lips and threw my arms around his neck, tackling us both backwards onto the floor. I peppered his face with kisses before he sat up and pulled my lips to his, accelerating my runaway heart while deepening the kiss.

Justin pulled back, both of us gasping for air. My grin stretched from ear to ear as I wiped away the spilled tears from my flushed cheeks. He kissed the tip of my nose and rested his forehead against mine. His hot breath fell over my lips, making me dizzy with want.

"Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Of course, it is," I replied. "Are you sure I'm who you really want?"

A slight shake of his head sent shivers down my spine. "There is no one else in this universe that I want more than you. I kidnapped you, remember?"

I laughed, "I guess that's what I get for stealing your heart, huh?"

Justin pressed his lips together to stifle his laughter. "As long as I've stolen yours in return, then I'd say we're even."

My arms pulled him to me once again, squeezing him in my arms. He returned the warm hug; the only sound was the grandfather clock ticking as we held each other in a loving embrace.

"Let's get married on New Year's Eve," I blurted out.

He released me from his grip enough to lean back to look at me. "That's just over a month away. Are you sure you want to get married that quick? We can have up to a year long engagement, to make sure that everything's perfect and you really do want this."

I shook my head. "Our entire relationship has been fast paced and crazy, so why not our engagement too? I want to go into the new year as your wife."

Justin gulped, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I just don't want you to regret your decision."

"I would never regret marrying you. I already know all your secrets, so unless you've got a hidden family that I don't know about, there's nothing that would stop me from being with you."

"No, you're the only woman for me, and you're the only one I want a family with," he chuckled.

"Good. So, then... New Year's Eve?"

He nodded. "Sure. It sounds great to me."

Smiling, I stood up and helped him off the ground. I grabbed his hand and pulled him from the dining room into the kitchen towards the office.

"Where are we going?"

I paused in the doorway to the office and grinned at him. "I'm going to show you what I've been working on over the last few weeks."

"Right now?"

"Yes. It pertains to our current discussion."

Justin silently followed me into his office. I directed him to the couch while I fetched my binder. I was a bit nervous to share everything in it with him, but it felt like the right time. Curling up next to him, I placed the binder in his lap. He looked to me for permission, and with a nod from me, he slowly opened the binder.

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