Chapter 37: A Change in Plans (Part 2)

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*Justin's POV*

"I'm not ready to have a baby."

"I know," I quickly tried to reassure her, keeping my voice light. "That's why we stopped at the store. I know you aren't ready, and I know you don't want one with me. It's alright, Maria. That's why we picked up the things that we did."

She chewed on her lower lip and turned to look out the window. I pulled into their narrow driveway and shut the engine off. We had such a good start to the day, and I didn't want her upset with me. I turned to face her, slowly guiding her face back in my direction.

"Maria." I caressed her cheek. "I really, truly meant that it's okay. I get it, and I don't blame you for how you feel. I didn't mean for you to get upset. Can we please go back to having a nice time together?"

The corners of her lips slightly lifted into a small smile. She nodded, and I kissed her lightly once again. I let go of her and stepped out of the truck, Maria swiftly following my lead. "Are you sure you're not mad at me?"

"What?" I asked, halting in place. "Why would I be mad at you? I'm not mad. It's your life, and I have already interfered more than I ever should have to begin with. I'm just happy to have what we have for now."

Acting as if I was unbothered by this was killing me inside. I couldn't bear the thought of losing her by the end of the week, but I also couldn't let my true feelings out. These were the last few days I would have with her, and I wanted to make them happy memories, or as close to happy as we could get with everything hanging over us.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the front door. Using the spare key, I unlocked the door and stepped into the living room. Maria and I both froze the moment we stepped through the doorway. It looked like a tornado had torn through the house.

The couch was flipped over, the cushions and pillows strewn about. Papers, books, and movies were scattered around the floor. I carefully stepped around the broken objects and walked through the doorway into the kitchen and dining area. This space was another chaotic mess. Furniture was broken, and every cabinet had been empty and thrown around the room. I listened carefully, but there were no other sounds in the house. Whoever had done this wasn't still here, thankfully.

I returned to the living room to find Maria still frozen in place by the front door. I quickly walked over and shut the door behind her, locking it to ensure no one else got in. "Stay here. I'm going to check the bedrooms."

She silently nodded her consent. I tiptoed down the short hallway, peeking into the bathroom and office. Both spaces were also in disarray, though it didn't look like anything had been stolen. I slowly pushed open the master bedroom. The state of the room no different than the rest of the house. I shook my head in disgust, knowing that somehow this was connected to Adam.

The final room I had to check was the nursery across the hall. I took another breath to steady myself and turned the doorknob. The door swung open to reveal the nursery in perfect condition. Confused, I stepped further into the room, and that's when I noticed it. Although all of Amaya's furniture, toys, and clothing were exactly as Monica had left it, there was one horrible addition to the room.

Someone had spray painted on the wall over the crib in bright red paint. "Your baby's the next victim. – Culture Killer"

"Fuck," I whispered under my breath. I held my head in my hands and tried to keep my voice down. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

I wanted to scream and trash the house worse than it already was. Adam had gone too far. There was no way I was going to let this psychotic piece of shit take Amaya away. He wasn't going to get Maria, the baby, no one. Not now, not ever again.

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