Chapter 23: Mom Tells All

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*Maria's POV*

This damn psycho actually walked right out the door and left me alone with his mother. He better thank his lucky stars that I'm in an agreeable mood and didn't smack him for kissing me in front of her. He's also damn lucky that I am too nervous to run away under his mother's watch – I'd hate for him to take his anger and frustration out on his sweet mother. Besides, with my luck I'd step off the porch and right into Adam's trap.

"Come, let's bake some cookies and chat," Kathy said, pulling me from my thoughts as I stared at the front door after Justin.

I followed her into the all-white kitchen and sat at the island watching as she busied herself pulling out mixing bowls, baking sheets, and ingredients. I wanted to ask her some questions about Justin and what exactly she knew, but I wasn't sure if that would upset her or if it would make things awkward between us. "Uhm, Kathy?"

"Yes, dear?"

"Last night, before we sat down to dinner, you had mentioned you knew what was really going on. What did you mean by that?"

Kathy nodded, "Aye, Justin called us up once he realized how in over his head he was. He explained it all and asked for help from his father. The first time he ever done so, ya know."

I shook my head, "No, he hasn't really spoken much about his family."

"Ah, I figured as much. He probably told ya 'bout us moving to Wisconsin from Chicago because we were goin' through a separation, right?"

"Yes ma'am."

She began mixing ingredients into the large mixing bowl on the counter. "That's the story we had him tell everyone back then, and he's seemed to stick with it. Probably for the best, but as his future wife you aught to know the truth."

I choked on my own spit, coughing and fighting to catch my breath.

"Oh, dear, what happened?" She set down her project and walked around the island to rub my back.

"F-future w-w-wife?!" I sputtered after finally catching my breath.

Her laughter was like music echoing in the kitchen, but all that I could hear was the phrase future wife on repeat. "Why are you so surprised? He loves you, and I can tell that you're fond of him. I see the way the two of you look at each other. He may've started off on the wrong foot, but the two of you'll work out just fine."

I shook my head, panic running wild through my veins. My hands were trembling, and tears prickled the back of my eyes. "I don't want to stay here. You even said last night that he would let me go when all of this was over."

"Aye, yeah I did say that, and I meant it too. The problem is his father." Kathy stepped back and leaned against the island. She swiped a few strands of loose hair out of her face before returning her focus on me. "Justin'll let you go, though it'll break his heart, but his father won't. The only way he agreed to help the two of you with this Adam situation is because Justin agreed to marry and start a family. His older brothers are both engaged and getting married soon. Justin's refused every girl we've set him up with, and my husband has decided that if Justin likes ya enough to ask for the family's help with this then you're the one he's gonna marry."

Kathy's explanation was so matter of fact that it made my head spin. "Wait, wait, wait," I held my hands up and shook my head in protest. "First off, I didn't ask for anyone's help. Not even Justin's. Second, aren't families supposed to help each other out without strings attached? Besides that, this is the twenty-first century. People get married when they want to with who they want, and no one forces the other."

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