Chapter 35: The Baby

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*Maria's POV*

The halls of the hospital were busy with visitors and staff walking here and there, each with their own destination and purpose in mind. Justin checked in at the front desk with an elderly woman wearing purple scrubs. Her hair was short and permed; her large curls seemed to bounce whenever she moved. After she directed us to the elevators, Justin took my hand and led me down the main corridor.

I pressed the button, nerves beginning to manifest in my stomach. This was the second time I was meeting Greg and the first time meeting Monica, but Greg knew I wasn't with Justin by any normal means. I worried that there would be a confrontation or things would get awkward. I couldn't be sure that Monica knew, but if Greg knew then it stood to reason she did as well. What would they think of me being a willing participant in this crazy man's messed up life? Or would they think I was still a captive and try to convince me to keep a low profile and not turn Justin over to the police?

"What's wrong?" Justin wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close.

"What if they don't like me? I'm meeting them for the first time, really, and it's when they're having one of the most important moments of their lives. I feel like I'm intruding."

The elevator doors opened with a ding! Justin pulled me in and held me in his arms. He placed a soft kiss on my lips and brushed my loose hair over my shoulder. "They're going to love you. They'll probably try to convince you to run, but it won't be because they don't like you."

I chewed on the inside of my cheek while I watched the elevator numbers slowly rise. When we reached the fourth floor, the doors opened to a wing with bright yellow walls decorated with cutouts of butterflies, bottles, and balloons. Justin pulled me out of the elevator and led me down to room 418. He placed another kiss on my cheek and reminded me to relax and breathe.

A woman's voice granted us permission to come in after Justin knocked on the door. "You up for visitors?" he called out, cracking the door open.

"Get in here and meet your niece!" her voice called back with a laugh.

Justin opened the door and ushered me in, closing it quietly behind us. Greg sat in a lounge chair rocking a little bundle in his arms, while the woman, whom I assumed was Monica, rested in the bed. Her jet-black, ultra-defined ringlets cascaded around her shoulders accentuating her thin face and high cheek bones. Her hazel eyes smiled lovingly at her husband as she watched him interact with their daughter.

When both of their gazes traveled to us, shock and surprise replaced the previous moment of contentment. I felt myself growing smaller as I awkwardly stood just to the side and a step behind Justin. Greg narrowed his eyes and glared at Justin while Monica looked back and forth between the three of us.

Clearing his throat, Justin gestured to me then to his friends. "Guys, this is Maria. Maria, you know Greg. This is his wife Monica."

"It's nice to meet you. Congratulations," I smiled, trying to keep my voice steady and light. I realized that we didn't bring any sort of gift with us, and a new wave of uncomfortable awkwardness washed over me.

"It's nice to see you again," Greg started, carefully choosing his words. He looked to Monica, and she gave him a nod. "Clearly, Justin didn't listen when I told him he needed to let you go."

Well, there it was. The elephant in the room was brought front and center. "Ah, yeah. I mean, I got away, but... Then I came back."

"He force you back?" Monica asked, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow in our direction.

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