Chapter 49: Taking Control

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*Maria's POV*

Adam navigated down the dirt road with ease, driving us further and further away from Justin. His breathing was still a bit rugged as he maintained his focus on the road ahead. Like Justin's gravel driveway, this dirt road lead out to the main highway. A single, red car passed by before Adam navigated his car out on the road.

My heart rate increased as the vehicle picked up speed down the road. We were really leaving everyone behind. My stomach churned with anxiety and fear of what was to come. I clutched the edges of the oversized t-shirt I wore and glanced over at Adam. He seemed to be calm and focused on his task.

I shivered in my seat, feeling the cold seeping into the car. The cold weather mixed with the run through the mud and underbrush had already exhausted me, but I needed to keep my guard up for as long as possible.

I decided to test my luck with Adam. "Can we please turn on the heater?"


It took everything in me to not fight back. All of my instincts wanted to argue with him, but I knew if I did that this would only spiral out of control. He needed to view me as obedient to him. That was the only way I could get the upper hand.
"Where are we going?"

"Far from here."

I glanced out the window before directing my attention back to him. I chewed on the inside of my cheek thinking of my next move. I watched the road curve through the hilly landscape, the sun only a couple hours away from setting. The last thing I wanted was to acknowledge Adam, let alone have a conversation with him, but I needed to know what was in store for me now that he had me.

"Will you tell me what you expect from me?"

A smirk crept onto his lips. His hazel eyes flashed to me with excitement. "Oh, I've got plans for you."

I gulped, terrified to hear the next words tumbling from his mouth.

"I've missed your screams. When I shot your friend and you fell to the floor releasing those deep-rooted screams..." He groaned in pleasure. "I'm going to make you scream for me every day until I get tired of hearing it."

My body was trembling, no longer from the cold but now from fear.

"You're going to give me sons to carry on my legacy. I'll continue down my path of glory, and you'll raise my sons. I'll teach them how to plan, how to target, how to execute."

"B-but," I gulped and tried to steady my voice. There was no way I would allow myself to become pregnant with his children. This world had too much evil in it, and I wouldn't allow anymore to come from Adam. "What if I d-don't have s-sons?"

"I haven't focused on torture before, and you're going to be my first. Though, if you produce girls then they'll also be good specimens to test my ideas out on. There's no point in raising girls when they're so useless. God, I can't wait to test out my plans on you before I carry them out with the public."

Bile rose in my throat at his words. I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let him have offspring to raise up to be his minions. I couldn't let him torture innocent children. I refused to be a part of his scheme.

If I were to do anything, it needed to be now. At least if something happened now, there was a chance that Ryan and Sean would find us soon. Or at least that was I kept telling myself. Maybe they didn't care about saving me, but they would for sure come after Adam after he almost killed Justin.

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