Chapter 34: The In-Laws

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*Maria's POV*

The rain had stopped sometime early this morning, and the sun had decided to come out. The bed was so warm and comfortable that I didn't want to leave, but I knew if I didn't get downstairs soon those three men would eat everything, and I'd be left with no breakfast. 

My thoughts drifted back to a few hours ago when Justin and I made love.

Although I hadn't told him yet, I knew I loved him. I didn't regret any of it, but I also worried if taking this step would change things between us. I buried my head under my pillow as embarrassment flooded my chest. How could I have told him to stay in me? I'd never let a man go in me, especially not without a condom. We needed to pick up a morning after pill in town. Maybe I could tag along when he went to visit Greg and Monica today.

Would he be mad that I wanted one though? I had read a horror book once where a kidnapper's main goal was to father as many children with his captives as possible. Justin wasn't like that though, I reminded myself. But did I really know him as well as I thought I did? Maybe this was his plan all along, to trick me into telling him to stay in. He was planning on letting me go though, and if he planned on releasing me then why would he want to impregnate me first? No, surely this was just a mistake on both our parts. He'd have to agree to go to the pharmacy this afternoon. He had to.

Ugh, this was going to be an awkward conversation to approach.

Who was I kidding? The man had seen every inch of me, most of which he'd even placed his mouth on. This was going to be far worse than awkward to stroll downstairs and act as if nothing had happened. I groaned with the memory of how loud I was, now worried that his brothers may have heard us.

Shit. Did I kick Sean last night? Damn it, I think I did. He was going to be pissed about that. Great, why not add that to the list of awkward and embarrassing moments to confront this morning.

I let myself have a pity party for another minute before I decided to get up and jump in the shower. The hot water cascaded down my body, temporarily erasing away the muscle pain and the embarrassment of what was waiting for me downstairs. I breathed in the steam and scrubbed away the evidence from last night. My stomach growled, reminding me I needed to hurry and get downstairs. I dried off and wrapped the large cotton bath towel around me as I blow dried my hair, letting it fall around my shoulders. I brushed my teeth and picked up my dirty clothes, throwing them in the hamper.

Quickly, I left the bathroom and moved into the closet. I threw on my underwear and bra before pulling a dark paisley dress off one of the hangers. It was a short sleeve dress that fell just abovemy knee, perfect for summertime. It was almost November, though, and the house wasn't very well heated. I decided to grab an olive green cardigan and my black leggings. I slipped on my black ankle boots and grabbed Justin's black beanie again. I brought a large white scarf and my purse with me, as I wanted to go with Justin to visit Greg and his wife and didn't want to have to run back up the stairs to grab my things.

By the time I made it down to the kitchen, the three men were finishing up their stacks of pancakes. I glanced around, hoping to see a plate set aside for me, but I was quickly disappointed.

"Good morning," Justin beamed. "Hungry?"

I smiled and nodded my head, feeling awkward about being around all of them sober. Justin jumped off his chair at the kitchen island and ushered me to sit down in his place. I avoided Sean and Ryan's inquisitive eyes, choosing instead to watch as Justin pulled a plate of still warm pancakes from the microwave.

He placed it in front of me and passed me the syrup. I thanked him and dug in. They were the best pancakes I'd ever had, instantly melting in my mouth. "Mmm!"

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