Chapter 32: Drunken Exploits

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*Mature Content*

*Maria's POV*

The night was far more enjoyable than I had expected it to be, but after hours of drinking I was ready to stop. The sterile white kitchen was giving me a headache, and I wasn't sure how the boys were holding out so well. With the amount of shots, whiskey, and rum they'd consumed tonight, I couldn't believe that they all weren't sick just yet.

I glanced at the clock and noticed it was close to ten o'clock. Time for bed. I yawned and stretched, trying to drop a subtle hint to the guys that it was time to wind down. It triggered a series of yawns around the room, but then another round of cheers rung out as each man chugged at their respective bottles.

"Alright, boys, it's time for bed," I stood up, the room tilting back and forth.

"I don't think we're all gonna fit up in your bed," Ryan laughed.

Justin smacked him on the back of the head, causing Sean to spit out his drink in laughter. "Don't even think about it."

I pulled Justin back in time to dodge Ryan's return punch. Missing his mark, Ryan spun around and toppled over onto the floor from the momentum. Both Justin and Sean burst out in laughter while Ryan sprawled out on the cold tile floor.

"Oh, this feels nice, boys. You should give it a try," he mumbled, his eyes drooping.

I groaned and rubbed my face, knowing that I was going to have to move all three of them off the floor before the night was over. I stepped closer to him and raised my voice. "Ah, ah, ah! No sleeping on the floor."

I braced myself against the wall and leaned down to pull Ryan back up into a sitting position. "Justin, come help me get your brother off the floor."

"I don't wanna," he replied, laying his head against the cool island countertop.


"Fuck off." He followed Justin's lead, resting his head on the counter as well.

"Ugh, you damn men are gonna drive me nuts." I hoisted Ryan back onto his feet, both of us barely steadying ourselves from toppling over. I pulled him down the hall, not caring that he kept running into doorframes and the walls. Pushing him onto one of the living room couches, I stumbled my way back down to the kitchen and spun Sean's chair around.

"Whadyawan?" he groaned as I pulled him up off his seat.

He tried pulling his arm away, but my grip tightened on his wrist as I forced him to follow me to the living room. I pointed to the couch. "Lay down and go to sleep."

"You can't make me," he said, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes.

"Wanna bet?"

Sean eyed me up and down, assessing whether or not I would be able to make him do anything. "Yeah, you can't make me."

"You know, Sean," I smiled sweetly at him. "You and Ryan are gonna be my big brothers, right?"

"Uhm, technically, yeah I guess."

"Have you ever had a little sister before?"

He laughed, "Hell no. Thank God."

"Then you've no idea what little sisters are capable of." I mustered as much force as I could and kicked him in the shin, then pushed him onto the other couch.

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