52 | Servant

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The heroes had partied throughout the night before crashing in the early hours of the morning. The city of Greater Asgard had started up the frivolity once again, causing the heroes to awaken to the sound of cheers, music and celebration below the palace.

Y/N was faced down with hand arm drooped across Peter as they stirred under the covers. She smiled and leant over to kiss him softly, groaning at her hangover throbbing in her head.

"Good morning My Lady," said Y/N's servant, her pristine white hair plaited into two parts over her shoulders.

"Jesus Christ you scared the shit out of me," Y/N said jumping and pulling the sheets over her. Her servant was beautiful, younger than she was and with skin a sun kissed caramel tone. It made her white hair stand out even more.

"My Sir," Peter's servant said, holding out a glass of wine for him around the other side of the bed and smiling. Peter took it instinctively, drinking it all and thanking the boy.

"Drinking already? God, I can't think of anything worse than alcohol right now," Y/N said laughing at Peter, slightly shocked he was drinking so early in the morning.

"This stuff is incredible, it gets you drunk if you drink enough of it, you can drink it like juice throughout the day and feel completely sober, but it cures the hangover somehow too," Peter said taking the glass of the girls silver platter and passing it to Y/N who drank it - instantly feeling better.

"Oh my god... Oh my god! This is insane, what the fuck is this stuff?" She laughed, apologising to the two servants for her language. She couldn't believe the instantaneous results, her headache disappearing, her vision brightening and her body no longer aching.

"I'm so sorry I feel really rude, what are your names?" She asked the two, smiling up at them as their usually stoic demeanour softened. They looked at each other nervously, before the man with pastel blue hair cleared his throat. They had never been treated like individuals before.

"W-we do not have names, we were born purely to serve our king and queen whoever it may be," He said nodding, surprising Y/N as she frowned.

"That's horrible... Can I give you a name? Ooh um... What about um, Fleur? It suits you because you're pretty," Y/N said smiling at the girl, assuming now she was possibly fifteen or sixteen.

"I'm not that creative, I'm just going to call you Blue, cos of your hair," Peter said chuckling at the man, leaning over the bed reaching out to him for a fist bump.

"Sir, I do not understand this gesture," Blue said shaking his head, worried by the man he was destined to serve, was acting so casual towards him.

"It's a sign of like, friendship. Just put your fist out like me," Peter instructed, pushing his own fist against the boy and smiling.

"Y-you consider me a friend Sir?" He said holding back a smile as Fleur looked at him excitedly. Peter thanked them both for their morning wine as they left, regaining their composure before returning back to their duties.

Y/N reached for a long silk robe, in the same purple colour her gown from the previous night was in and majority of her Asgardian clothing. She slipped her arms through and tied the belt around her waist, walking to the large window overlooking the city.

The crowds of citizens were partying in every street, every alley and every open area. They were throwing confetti and streamers in the air, exploding cannons of coloured powder and dancing in elaborate costumes. To Y/N it looked like Carnival in Brazil, or Holi in India; festivals full of colour and vibrancy. She couldn't help but smile to herself seeing everyone embrace each other in spirit.

"What are they celebrating?" She asked Peter, who was putting on a shirt and meeting her at the window.

"Loki says we should be celebrating new beginnings. They partied for days when Loki reigned again and they became Greater Asgard, but not as extravagant as this. This is a whole new level," Peter said kissing her cheek and leaning his head on her shoulder, standing behind her.

"How beautiful is it here though? I have to show you around more. There are rivers throughout these weird  clouds on the ground that you can sail a boat on, and there's these trees that blow flower petals through the air and mountain ranges that look like they're straight from Japan... It's amazing here, I never want to leave," He said excitedly, wrapping his arms around her waist and smiling to himself.

"I've forgotten why we even came here in the first place," She said turning to face Peter and wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him gently.

"Good Morning young lovebirds," Loki said standing in the doorway, causing the two to pull away and apologise. Like usual, he was dressed in black, hints of green accentuating his outfit. It was strange, all of their Asgardian clothes looked as if they matched, black with an accent colour.

"It's magnificent isn't it? The people of Greater Asgard all becoming one," Loki said joining them at the window and smiling down at the people celebrating.

"What is the celebration all for?" Y/N asked Loki, making him grin and place his hand on her shoulder.

"It's for you, for Peter, for all of us heroes. We are now the strongest beings in the universe and they finally have worthy protectors, they are rejoicing because they are safe," Loki explained, smiling and turning back towards the door.

He stopped and fixed his hair in a large mirror, smoothing a stray hair with his fingertips. He advised the two that the celebrations in the street were only just the beginning and that the real event was later on, in a large stadium like amphitheatre he had built especially for the occasion.

They nodded as he left, Peter smiling and pulling Y/N's hand towards him. She giggled as she rested her hand against his chest, now missing him immensely whilst he was presumed dead. She just enjoyed to look at him and admire every part of him as she was with him again at last. Quite the different feelings towards him than when she first arrived.

Meanwhile in a seperate wing of the palace in which the other heroes resided, they too were being informed about tonight's special event; being offered wine by their servants. Natasha thanked the young adults as she smelt it, trying to decipher if she could find hints of well known poisons from her secret agent days.

She watched the room as the men around her drank from their glasses, instantly perking up as their hangovers had subsided and a burst of energy hit them. She excused herself to the bathroom, swiftly swapping her full glass for Thor's half drunk glass on the table.

She locked the bathroom door, trying to comprehend the events of the previous night where everyone had been so intoxicated they liked Loki. She knew she had to get through to someone, she knew she had to tell someone. There were servants around them at every hour of the day, who had control over the shock device implanted in her neck.

How would she tell someone her theory?

More importantly, who would she tell?

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