49 | Divine

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The makeshift group of heroes were seated behind Loki as they watched the play he had directed. It was confusing to watch; they were uncomfortable and quite frankly shocked that guards hadn't already apprehended them.

Fake Thor was once again being stabbed to death by Fake Loki who had tricked Fake Thor into thinking he was a snake, causing the heroes to furrow their brows in disgust and turn to each other as the crowd all cheered. Quill however, was laughing at the 'humorous' play they were all subjected to watch.

"Dude, you just got annihilated by Loki!" Quill said laughing, nudging Thor's arm next to him.

"That's a true story, do not laugh. I loved snaked as a child and he mislead me," Thor snapped, frowning at the performance.

After the curtains closed and the wealthy crowd of Asgardian's began to socialise and drink, Loki turned back to his brother and fellow Avengers to greet them properly.

"Hello brother," Loki smiled at Thor, looking at who he had brought to Asgard with him.

"Ah I see you brought along your little friends. Who do we have here? The rich egotistic playboy, mister patriotic asshole, the moody bionic arm man, an uneducated childish space dork, annoying feisty red head and... oh, hello little girl, are you lost?" Loki said smiling sarcastically at Y/N.

"I don't think we've met," Loki said reaching for Y/N's hand and kissing the back of it, maintaining eye contact with her and smirking. She pulled her hand away, scared of the man in front of her who had destroyed multiple planets and acted so shallow.

"You guys made it!" Peter said turning around and surprised to see the team standing around Loki. He put down his glass of wine on a platter and walked over to them excitedly, a long blue cape swinging from his shoulders.

"You're alive?!" shouted Tony, stunned to see the boy they all thought had been killed by Chitauri and never seen again.

"Yeah, I've been chilling here on Asgard with Loki for a few weeks, I was wondering when you guys would come here," Peter smiled, looking at Y/N who was stunned at the sight of him.

"God I missed you," Peter said putting his arms out towards Y/N who promptly slapped him across the face infuriated about how casual he was acting after his assumed demise.

"What was that for?! Oh my god I thought you'd be happy to see me," Peter said holding his face and staring at her in shock.

"I thought you were dead! You didn't think to try and contact any of us whilst you were off gallivanting and getting drunk on this fucking planet with him?" Y/N yelled, her eyebrows furrowed at the boy she loved not once trying to find his way back to them.

Loki laughed, standing next to his brother smiling and enjoying the scene in front of him.

"I like her," he said to Peter, nodding in approval.

"I like you," he continued, this time looking at Y/N.

Thor held Mjolnir up to Loki, threatening to imprison him for taking over Asgard. Loki however seemed unfazed by these threats and suggested his brother turn around to see the guards pointing technologically advanced weapons at them.

Thor lowered his hammer as he realised he would be outnumbered, confused to how the Asgardian army were now equipped with such advanced weapons.

Loki opened his palm to reveal small metal disks to Thor, smiling as they shot through the air and attached themselves to the heroes necks. The chips injected small metal prongs into their skin, making them near impossible to take out. Natasha leapt towards Loki out of anger, mostly because of the sharp pain in her neck.

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